Erik Gronwall

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Short snippets of every song on his forthcoming album. It sounds quite cool to me. he's not really rocking hard but his voice is just bloody cool for a young fellow and the song writing teams behind the songs are all pros I guess. The songs sound quite fun and happy go lucky just don't expect heaviness or big guitars. Maybe in the future he can do something a bit heavier but I think at the moment this type of music is perfect for his talents. It's poppy but has an edge maybe like a young Bryan Adams. We'll see how the whole album turns out but these snippets fun.

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I actually prefer Gronwall to Ari Koivunen. Koivunen was cool because it was a novelty to have an Idol winner sing metal, and I do like the two Koivunen albums. But Gronwall is a superior singer, although he's more of a hard rock guy.

I'm very much looking forward to hearing Erik Gronwall's new album. Isn't that supposed to be out now?