Erik Rosvold or Chris Salinas?

Which of these two great singers do you like (slightly) better?

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Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
Okay guys, this is not a poll about who's the better singer because that's too subjective. But based on both singers performances in Zero Hour, which one do you like better?
vocal style wise, I probably prefer Erik's slightly, but seeing as that Chris is actually in the band, and Erik isn't, Chris is better at the moment... :p And I certainly enjoy Chris's vocal contribution to the band now anyway....
I voted Erik because, well, because I screwed up, that's why! A Fragile Mind is my favorite ZH album. But no, I forgot about that other stinkin' singer! So my vote goes to Fred. Haha.
This is one of the very few questions that I can never answer :) Both of them are incredible. When I listen to the first two albums, I say Erik is better and when I listen to the last two, I say Chris is better :)
Erik Rosvald's performance on "Towers of Avarice" is one of the great metal vocal performances of all time.... such a unique voice. ZH just hasn't been the same for me since (sorry guys, i still appreciate what you do) :(
Erik for me, The Towers Of Avarice is one of my all time favorite albums. Looks like it's a tie with my vote.
I love both of their voices, however, Towers was the first album I heard and then I picked up Metamorphosis. Those albums got me locked into ZH and Towers is in my top 3 favorite albums ever so Erik for me. However, Chris has done a fantastic job. He rules.:headbang:
I won't vote, but add my opinion. I loved Erik's vocals. I saw the guys live at Prog Power in Atlanta (I think III, It's been a few years, jeez). Erik was awesome and really worked to hit the notes he hit in the recording. He did not hit all of them and he was unhappy. I could see in his interaction with the other band members after the performance at the signing, he was uncomfortable. I don't know the guys in the band, but it seems at that point, if there ever was chemistry, it was lost by that point. Fred, was a stop gap. He put in a performance that was not nearly as goor as Erik, but merely adequate. The vocals of Chris are different from both. He takes the band in a new direction. I like the akin to the old Queensryche, but that can be a one trick pony, a pony that has already raced. People compared Erik to Dio, people compare Chris to Tate. Two talented people to be compared to, wow. You know what I'd really love to see, logistics aside. Erik, Fred, and Chris in an Ayreon/Star One kind of Prog Metal Opera, and forgive me (I can't remember his name) the dude from Death Machine. Wow, can ya'll imagine that shit. Challenge!!!!