Esoteric news.

The first two discs were out on Aesthetic Death. The label's North American distribution consists of mailorder to the best of my knowledge.
listened to the clips (on the esoteric site: and i hate to say it, but i think i'm a little dissapointed on first listen--and i mean a LITTLE, not a lot. granted, the clips are short and low-quality, but doesn't seem to have progressed very much since the last album. although the second clip was really nice and made me feel a little mushy inside. i know i'll still get it and probably end up liking it, but i think i had my hopes set unrealistically high.
I cant wait! We can get SoM releases at work.. booya!

Also the new Lamented Souls album is pretty neat... sabbathy doom with Simen from Dimmu on it... he sings neat.