
You can try in "Arise records", "Revolver Records", "Music World", "Overstocks".
Since half an a year, these are the shops that you can find metal cd's. Ok, sure you can find cd's in more stores, but i only buy there and the two first shops are better than Music world and Overstocks, in my opinion. Hey, it's only my opinion, and maybe somebody knows more stores. The best store was closed some months ago, so now i only buy in internet or in that shops!
The name of the street is "Carrer Tallers".Arise records is in one side of the street, and in the other side you wil find the rest.
There are more shops of different styles of music.
Hope you can find something interesting! Cheerz!
Nooo. Sorry. I'm in my...job(don't tell to my boss, jeje!). When i have some free time i'm here, so we will meet here in the katatonia forum.
Hope you will buy a lot of things! Are you from Moscow and now are in Barcelona?
Hey! You can buy some merchandise in the same street, in the shops that i told you, or maybe in some shops that you will see. What kind of merchandise want? Some band in special??

About the openning hours i think they are open at 10 to 2 and 4:30 'till 8. Some shops don't close between 2 to 4.
Good luck and hope you will spend nice time in my country!!
Got back from there couple days ago...nice place, really friendly people, beautiful alleys!
bought myself 4 cd's in World Music (the new katatonia, destroyer 666, ulver, and burzum..)