Eternal Oath - Wither

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Eternal Oath – Wither
Black Lodge – 2005
By Adam McAuley


This is yet another of those more commercial melo-death offerings In Flames seems to have been ushering in since their Colony release. But, you know what? I actually really enjoyed Wither, simply because Eternal Oath have found a fairly distinctive sound and perform their part quite well. Frontman Joni Maensivu sounds a tad like Tomas Lindberg, but with his own unique voice. Some of the bands listed that Eternal Oath have played with live, while melodic to an extent, sound nothing like suitable counterparts to this band.

Eternal Oath play a slightly gothic, catchy breed of melo-death metal, not really complimentary to the likes of Dissection, Necrophobic and Unanimated, amongst others listed. But as stated earlier, this is fairly enjoyable stuff. Enhanced by a crushing production, the songs here are streamlined and feature and array of nice breaks. Of course, the catchy shouted chorus’ usually found in this style are present, but somehow more addictive than they usually are.

Some electronic effects and appropriate keyboard usage spruce up the surroundings. For an example, see “Death’s Call”, which features some risky alternative-esque vocals that actually manage to fit fairly well within the context of the music. Growly gothic vocals also make suitable appearances at times. I was banging my head on more than a few occasions and was pleasantly surprised many times. Certainly unoriginal and perhaps too commercial, Wither remains an album that will give you an adrenaline satisfying adrenaline overload.


Eternal Oath Official Website
Black Lodge Website