Etienne Sin

Just watched this, made me think of these threads:

made you think of it in a good way? cause despite that film clip being beyond terrible for a band of their size.(cant beleive I havent seen this one. it really is bad) Chiodos absolutley own at life. my mind was blown when I heard their first cd. the chaos filled experimentation blended perfectly with ridiculously good pop hooks is amazing.

and craig owens leaves me awestruck. greatest moment was seeing him come to australia for an acoustic tour... WOW.

(not feeling so metal right now ahaha)
Dear MetalHeads,

I am the artist in that video. I do apologize if you do not like or understand the music, but I do try to appease everyone. I am however an easy going type of guy, so I respect your opinions.

Please know that I am a solo act, and I do everything myself. From Producing, to every instrument, to the Videography. It's not an easy task, and I worked damn hard to get my reputation with my fans.

I also understand your opinions on my image, but hell, I'd rather look like a pretty guy than an ugly chick.

I have new material coming up, taking heavy influence off of bands like Decapitated, Behemoth, and Carcass.

I urge fans of real metal to reconsider their angle on me and my music, as it is forever changing. If not, please just respect the fact that I too am a Metalhead whom hails from the very dark regions of music.

Thank you for your time.

~Etienne Sin

If anyone else here is an artist, they will know how hard it is to do what I do. Winning over the respect from a scene that hates you for almost no reason is one of the hardest things to do. I just try to break the hatred and find common grounds.

You don't have to like me, and I don't have to like you. But I do believe in a world where everyone can have a mutual respect for each other. You don't live very long anyway, why hate because I am on the other side of the genre? Or hate anything at all?

If you must hate something, take it out on a genre that has no respect for you. Not on those who gain respect and influence from listening to metal. Even than, no one attacked you, it has always been the other way around.

My point is probably not going to make it very far, but what my music/image/general identity stands for is Respect, Love, and Peace. I hope these words make a difference, if they don't than it was still worth the effort. I hope to see some of you around one day, even if you still want to punch me in the face.

If anyone else here is an artist, they will know how hard it is to do what I do.

This is why some people keep hating you. That comment about Trent Reznor definitley put me off, and jeez cut it off already with the whole "please understand it's hard to do this all on my own" attitude, understand you are not being original at all and the fact that you do everything on your own does nothing to change it.

This said, I have not even heard your music, I only dislike your "peace out bros" attitude with asshole comments between the lines
Seems like a nice guy, have no idea what the problem is.

Not many people here aren't just ripping off a predefined songwriting template anyway, be it whatever genre they are into.
Yeah nice guy I'm sure. But dude you can't go around trying to get people to like your music until you're blue in the face. You can justify it all you like and tell us how much work you put into it until the cows come home, and I/we totally get and respect that (this is a forum full of engineers after all), but this is a forum dominated by metal heads. I couldn't go onto a rap forum to convince them to listen to Pantera, no matter how hard I tried. It's an intrusion into a fraternity that is not mine and something I do not wish to identify with, just as much as they don't want to listen to "that noise" of mine.

Keep on doing what you're doing, you have fans who love the shit out of it, and as for the engineering/mixing side of it, I admire the work :) But if you're getting a little flamed just take it on the chin and move on man, this place clearly isn't your target audience :lol:
Mattayus, he wasn't the one who posted the stuff, he just came on defending his own work. I see nothing wrong with this. There is no 'intrusion,' no 'convincing' us, and no 'target audience' being missed.
Yeh but if i understand correctly, you quit that band, but still look into the genre?

yeah, I'm looking to start a new band but most guys I know want to do some generic metalcore that every other band sounds like. I like some of it, but only a bit.
Mattayus, he wasn't the one who posted the stuff, he just came on defending his own work. I see nothing wrong with this. There is no 'intrusion,' no 'convincing' us, and no 'target audience' being missed.

Couldn't agree more, but...

he just came on defending his own work.

This is what I mean. It's irrelevant who posted it, I'm talking about his response regardless. What he's doing is completely harmless and normal, I'm not telling him to fuck off, I'm merely saying he's flogging a dead horse. Why join a forum where your music isn't liked to try and try again to justify and defend it? Just don't bother? I wouldn't even sign up. I'd just be like "ok well.. there's a bunch of guys who don't dig my shit.. can't please everyone!" and move the fuck on? Do you see what I'm getting at?
Meh, I have more respect for him now that he's come on and taken the criticism so well than I did previously, at least.

yeah I agree, I kind of wish I didn't start this thread now. I have to give him props for not trolling the forum
First off I would like to say that personally, I'm a fan of Etienne Sin's music and I had no Idea he was hated on so much. I hate it when people rip on an artist, just because the music they make doesn't fit their personal interest. Also, even if you guys don't think the instrumental part is original, you have to admit his voice is, it is very famine, but that just makes it all the more fucking awesome when he transitions to the BA screams. And that at least he's got some fucking real talent. Keep making music Sin! (lol I'll probably get hated on as much as you just for posting this)