Euro Metal




Not sure if the following come under that heading, but you asked so here goes...

Rammstein (please?!)
Lacuna Coil
Theatre of Tragedy
Gamma Ray ;)
Apocalyptica (excellent live)

Apogolis if any of them don't qualify, geography was never my strong point.

But you still have lots of British bands to chose from:
The Almighty
Pitchshifter ;) (sorry Stephen...)

Really looking forward to 4 original members of Sabbat being there (well only 3 playing - but Andy will be there, no?).

Boing - time for bed.

Its gotta be UDO. We can have all the Accept classic then and that would rock.
Or we could have Helloween, Hammerfall or Immortal!
I'm getting all excited now!

First of all the BIGGEE: how about ENTOMBED?
If you are interested, whilst at Dynamo in 1999 I saw a really good band on the campsite stage called OCEANS OF SADNESS,(from Belgium). They were sort of like early(ish) Paradise Lost but with their own distinctive mark on it.
If those suggestions are of no use then what about KREATOR?

Top idea.
THE ENTOMBED would definatly get my vote. A bit of Death and Roll would go down well with these ears. We could also have a big Out of Hand sing-a-long.............@#%$!!!

Howabout Hardcore Superstar. There album is great !!
Hammerfall would be good also.

I wasn't too impressed with Entombed at Earls Court last year, but I heard they were very good at Rock City the night before.

Too be honest, it doesn't really matter, just so long as Blaze gets a good amount of time.

You could ask the 'Popstars' to turn up as they seem to be appearing every where else. I could do with practising my aim.

How could I have forgotten Entombed! derr. (never seen them do a bad show.)

But I'm sure there are still lots of excellent British bands that you could do with some exposure (ooh err), before we have to go overseas to fill the spaces?

Although if it were Helloween, I might let you off... seeing as I've never got to see them either.
Sabbat and Helloween on the same bill, my teenage dream.... (goes all misty eyed...)


Great news about having a place for a Euro Band!
WelL there's already some excellant acts confirmed,
but a couple of suggestions:
SENTENCED.....Now either 1 of them would be an
absolute treat...Don't you think?

ARCH ENEMY; I forgot about them...would be excellent though!!

I have to say I'm a bit saddened by this.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Euro Metal and if there is a guest band on the bill I'm sure I'll enjoy them.

It's just the implication is that there are not enough British metal bands to make up a complete bill. All along it was supposed to be British bands and now that's changed.

I dunno, maybe it's true. We might have invented Heavy Metal, but the constant erosion of the British metal culture is something we've all had to put up with, although it upsets me greatly.

Godamit though British metal is not entirely dead! We DO still have some decent bands left. I hope for my own sanity that it long continues....


We were a bit saddened by all the British bands who said they were keen to appear at Bloodstock and are now holding fire because of Ozzfest and Lost Weekend!! We need to complete the bill, so had to review other options. However suffice to say that the current negotiations indicate that this will be a 100% British festival. So we will make it in the end!!



I will change my mind again!! We have on offer another major Euro band - awaiting confirmation. If this is the case we will squeeze them in and offer a 17 band bill, retaining the original number of 16 to be British. Blimey!


Oh well, I'll let you off. Probably. Depends who it is.

I shall eagerly await an announcement soon.......