Europe. Pissed off about the delayed release of MOMD??? Don't be ....


Formerly Ulster Mosher.
I ordered Music of Masss Destruction through on Sunday night. Just thought, "Fuck it, I cant wait. The laptop plays region 1 DVDs, so at least Ive got something to watch it on." Found a crack for my DVD player to convert to region 1. Got an email fromo Amazon to say that the dvd had been shipped first thing on Monday morning, and guess what? I received it this morning. Not only that, but my region 2 DVD player plays the fucking thing no problems WITHOUT the crack.

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

I've just been moshing round the living room for an hour, on my own, and I'm bloody 30. You'd think kI have more sense than that.

GO ON EUROPE!!!!!!! BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!! Plus when working out the currency conversion, its only cost me half what it will cost when release over a month from now. Obviously not inlcuding postage.
