

New Metal Member
Jan 24, 2005
I want to move somewhere in Europe in roughly 5 years, any suggestions?

I've heard Norway is nice and Iceland smells like fart due to the volcanoes.

I'm partial to Norway and Austria (I'm only the 3rd generation in America, so I can still return to the motherland)
Yes if you move to germany you must in the west or better in the south like bavaria!!!There are many metalheadz and an awsome countryside, especally if you you move in the bavarian forest!!CHEERS
Hey i am from Australia and i went ot europe for 3 months.....Best countries i went to would have to be Scotland,Sweden and Definately Germany.....Fucking beautiful and very nice countries......But sweden can be fucking expensive basically every country in europe is a lot more expensive than here. ANd yes that guy did move to NZ, i am heading back to NZ in may so if that guy replies fuckign WHATS UP?>??
europe is more expensive than most other countries for many reasons indeed : for the western europe countries, the population is "richer", especially in scandinavia, so everything is more expensive and europe is very touristic, so the prices rise for everything cause the tourists spend a lot of money, especially american tourists :p

anyway i couldnt help you to choose where to go cause i only know france, a little of belgium, a little of spain and the english countryside so what the fuck do i know? :p but i'd really like to go to norway one of these days, and to germany for Wacken and for the country itself too.
lol ok, but tourists in sweden aren't only german :p
well anyway my point still works, sweden is expesive compared to extre european countries cause the whole life level is higher... fuck i dont know the term in english... "niveau de vie" which basically means that people earn a lot of money, so everything is more expensive, hence a rich african wouldnt be as rich for a swedish person cause in africa, the life level is much smaller..
whatever i see what i mean lol
You don't need to go to africa to compare, just go to eastern europe and people already make 5x less money than the west. Germans don't pay a dime? you should go see the highways from Belgium to France in the summer, it is filled with people from Holland and their caravan. As matter of facts all campings in the south are populated by the Dutch, they buy nothing and bring all their food with them. Solid contribution to the local economy.
Belgar said:
You don't need to go to africa to compare, just go to eastern europe and people already make 5x less money than the west. Germans don't pay a dime? you should go see the highways from Belgium to France in the summer, it is filled with people from Holland and their caravan. As matter of facts all campings in the south are populated by the Dutch, they buy nothing and bring all their food with them. Solid contribution to the local economy.

oh man i never really thought about that! haha its so true they're always in caravans. well its not really a problem, i mean france and belgium still benefit enormously from tourism.
I've heard Germany is nice. I wouldn't mind moving there. And plus my esteemed coleague just informed me that you can move to Europe with only a thousand bucks and have enough to get set up for a month or two. So that makes me hopefull, what about movie making? I'm in school to make movies, edit video/sound, light etc.... Think I could make a living of this across the preverbial pond?
hmmmmm a thousand bucks only for a couple months? really? well i dont really know cause i'm still dependant on my parents but that seems little money to me, unless ur gonna live in shitty neighborhoods and there you probably wont think that europe is that nice and that the people are nice either.
Zacherly said:
, what about movie making? I'm in school to make movies, edit video/sound, light etc.... Think I could make a living of this across the preverbial pond?

yes, the german porn industry is quite something there, I once was a BIG star in there but the quality of co-stars went down so I quit the business
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
Hey didnt someone else here move to New Zeland? His name was like "OnceSentFrom the something something". I wonder how he is doing.

Hey, that would be me, and I'm doing very well, New Zealand is a beautiful country, and it's the middle of summer, so I'm doing a lot of bbq and beer. However, I am only on a work visa, so it's not a permanent move, and I'm not sure I'd want to, it feels kind of isolated here. I'm kinda going crazy, I haven't heard a new metal album since I left in October, new CDs cost around $35-40 here, if you can actually find anything, which I can't where I'm living. However, I can't recommend visiting here enough, there are stunning alpine vistas, near-tropical beaches, massive glaciers, and that's just on the South Island. The picture below is of Queenstown, where I'm living/working, my place is kind of in the bottom center area of the picture.

I haven't been posting much since I don't have regular internet access, and there doesn't seem to be much going on the board lately
Zacherly said:
And plus my esteemed coleague just informed me that you can move to Europe with only a thousand bucks and have enough to get set up for a month or two.
who is your colleague? because if you can live in europe with 1000$ for a month or two, you def. need to give me his #. unless you live in some shelter or staying in a barn working for the farmer, there is no truth in what he is telling you. trust me. btw, your 1000$ becomes a mere 750 euros and with that you cannot do a lot. some people need a reality check.