

80s freak
Apr 30, 2006
This band is starting to become one of my favorite glam/80s hard rock bands. I have their first four albums, and they all are great in their own little way. Their s/t debut is the heaviest out of the four, and boarderlines on heavy metal, and (to me at least) sounds like Iron Maiden and Dio at times. Then on Wings of Tomorrow, they start to become more melodic and add keyboards. I think they actually improved a little bit on this album, as the songs are much more catchy. Then, there's the Final Countdown which everyone knows. It's my favorite out of the four, the title track, Danger on the Track, Ninja, and Cherokee are all great songs. Then, on Out of this World, they really soften their sound, as the keyboards become the main instrument in their sound. Regardless, it's still a great album, and the keyboard hooks are so ridiculously catchy, that you can't help but love it. More Than Meets the Eye is an underrated classic on this album, and it's actually one of my favorite Europe songs. Europe also had a direct influence on another one of my favorite bands, Sonata Arctica with the keyboard hooks and leads.

Yeah, and I've heard Europe's new stuff, and to me, it sounds like mallcore garbage.

So what do you guys think about this band?
I loved the first two albums back in the day (and still do), but I ran screaming from the Europe fanboy room when they put out The Final Letdown. I remember we all hated that album when it first came out (too sappy with it all drenched in keyboards). Then it started to grow on me but the radio soon put a stop to that with over-excessive airplay.

I pretty much forgot about them until 2001 when I found a bunch of their albums in a pawn shop for $3 each. That's when I got Prisoners of Paradise (love that album) and Out of this World (meh).

I got Start from the Dark when it first came out and it was okay, it got spun about 20 times before I lost interest. Didn't care for the newest one at all.
I like some of their older stuff, when they were more progish. I like The Final Countdown, but other than that I haven't heard anything else
I still like the first album alot, especially the "7 doors hotel" song, that's more in the style of one of my fav 80's bands Silvermountain...The 2 latest are OK, but nothing out of the ordinary, but much better than the later 80's stuff...
I love the hook in the song 'Flames' from Start From the Dark, and that's about it. :lol: Just like TSO said, Final Countdown was driven into the ground here, and still is (sporting events, etc.). They will be playing that song for 100 more years in this country...

I will admit i kind of like their newer material better. It's a different vibe, and less keys, if any.
Also their DVD that they released a couple years ago is fantastic, they have become a well rounded band...

Are you talking about the Live from the Dark DVD or the re-release of their 1986 Final Letdown Tour? I was thinking about renting one of these from Netflix, but I'm actually steering for the '86 concert first. It has a better songlist, much more off the first two albums, which are by far the best IMO.
Are you talking about the Live from the Dark DVD or the re-release of their 1986 Final Letdown Tour? I was thinking about renting one of these from Netflix, but I'm actually steering for the '86 concert first. It has a better songlist, much more off the first two albums, which are by far the best IMO.

Live from the Dark, though I had the Final Countdown DVD as well, though I unloaded it because it was awful, they opened with the title track and closed with the title track...
I think they're pretty good. I haven't heard their early stuff only The Final Countdown, Carrie, Cherokee etc and some of the newer stuff. I like all that I have heard. I don't mind that 80s sound it reminds me of re runs of 80 suffthat was still shown when I was a kid (on TV) think Biker mice from mars.
Live from the Dark, though I had the Final Countdown DVD as well, though I unloaded it because it was awful, they opened with the title track and closed with the title track...

Boy, I guess they were milking that song for all it was worth, even from the very beginning (I read that concert was recorded just a few weeks before the title track took off on the charts). I still want to see it though, there's so many good tracks on it! I think I'll just rent both. :D
Live from the Dark, though I had the Final Countdown DVD as well, though I unloaded it because it was awful, they opened with the title track and closed with the title track...

I think this concert is awesome! I can't believe the sound and video quality for 1986...not to mention how it brings back the memories. One of my fave dvd concerts of the past few months. Shame on you for selling it off, Sixxi!

Gonna get Live from the Dark concert next...
I've been a fan of Europe for quite some time. I tend to like pretty much all of their output. I can totally understand why people have such problems with The Final Countdown though. Most of those bands were steering in that direction then though.

I own both the Live From Sweden and the Live From The Dark DVDs. I have to say that Live From The Dark is a kick ass DVD, period! John Norum really shines throughout and proves what a monster guitarist he is. He has one of the best styles out there, but he was always over shadowed by keyboards in the 80's.

I think this concert is awesome! I can't believe the sound and video quality for 1986...not to mention how it brings back the memories. One of my fave dvd concerts of the past few months. Shame on you for selling it off, Sixxi!

Gonna get Live from the Dark concert next...

It wasn't anything that I wanted to see more than once. Live from the Dark is much better and a keeper!!!!:lol::lol:
I own both the Live From Sweden and the Live From The Dark DVDs. I have to say that Live From The Dark is a kick ass DVD, period! John Norum really shines throughout and proves what a monster guitarist he is. He has one of the best styles out there, but he was always over shadowed by keyboards in the 80's.

It wasn't anything that I wanted to see more than once. Live from the Dark is much better and a keeper!!!!:lol::lol:

Two votes for Live from the Dark, I can't wait to get that one. Should be here next week. I've always loved John Norum's guitar skill and it sounds like he gets to shine a lot more on this newer concert.

You are so gonna love that DVD!!!!!


Thanks for getting my dander up, Sixxi! I'll give you an update for sure...

I'll say it again, the best Europe song. Ever!:headbang:

Ditto. That's one of the songs I'm most looking forward to hearing on the new dvd. They played alot off Wings of Tomorrow on the '86 concert, but didn't play squat off the first album. Too bad they don't play The King Will Return and Paradize Bay.