just came back home, pain were good, they played the same setlist

came in late, only saw a little bit of the other band

Pain were really great live, i enjoyed the dwtd stuff live way more than on cd, sounded nice
on your knees was easily my favourite, i love the first album and they should play more of it...

i just got some fucking softdrink in my face and hair, fucking sucks, retarded people, at least throw some beer...

got a tour shirt, awesome show, but now it is time for some HYPOCRISY
Hello! I know it's already some days ago, but I've been to the Hamburg show (and all I brought home was this review in German. No, actually it was a great show, begun a bit slow as everybody in the audience had to re-adjust it's ears from the glam/journey style of Brother Firetribe to the Pain sound. So they clapped to "Follow Me" and stayed calm but interested all until "Bitch" where the party started until final extasy. And if I remember it right it was three encores then. Great evening!
I just got home from my trip, 4 dates (Zurich, Lyon, strasbourg and Paris), it was awesome, got to meet the band a couple of times and had a drink with them :D
If you want I've put some pics taken in Lyon, Paris and Bordeaux on




c'est une possibilité qui devient de plus en plus réaliste.
J'ai un bon ami qui vie a Grenoble, il serait d'ailleurs chez moi la semaine prochaine! :D
Il insiste pour que je monte avec lui au Hellfest, et évidemment j'ai toujours rêvé d'aller en Europe.
Comme je ne pense pas acheter mon condo cette année et que je vais avoir un retour d'impots tres volumineux (disons environ 4000$) et que l'argent pour mon nouveau tattoo est déja accumulée, j'ai comme un gros montant qui se retrouve soudainement disponible, et une partie de ce montant pourrait très bien m'envoyer en France pour le Hellfest :)
Moi j'y serais, c'est à 1h de chez moi!

So the hellfest is a the bigest metal festival in france:


3 days, 108 bands, not as much famous black/death metal this year though compared to the last 2 years. Can't wait!!