European Summer Metal Fest?

Well, at least in Finland are three grrrreat metal-festivals.
First is Sauna Open Air, which is held on 8-10.6.2006. Already Twisted Sisters and WASP has confirmed their appearance in Tampere.

Then it's Tuska, greatest of all, and it's held in Helsinki 30.6.-2.7.(which is btw my birthday - great timing, huh?). You can check out their webpages from

Then the one closest my heart is Jalometalli in Oulu, held in august, bit smaller though but as great as the rest. And my gratitude to Jalometalli goes also from that, that it led me into the sinking lap of Kalmah year 2004. My first contact to the band - first gig to see and it blew my mind. But that's long story.
Oh, and the web you'll find from address

Hopefully this helped you even a bit. :)

np: Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - The River Flows Frozen
I checked out the Tuska festival in Helsinki. I think I might be able to go to that one. I live in Chicago but im going to study at Oxford University in England for the summer, starting June 25, so it would be perfect. I most likely will get the ticket and catch a filight to Finland for the weekend of the festival. The only thing that could cause a problem would be geting the ticket, but I'll see what can be done.The line up for Tuska looks amzing. So many great bands. In the U.S. I can't see most of those bands, and most of the bands in U.S. fucking suck, vicious cicle. This would be a perfect oportunity to see an amazing show. Thanks a lot dude, hopefully I will see you there to say Happy Birthday.

Once again, Thanks:Spin: