European Tour Journal - Paul

Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago dark metal act NOVEMBERS DOOM, who just returned home from a two-week tour of Europe with labelmates AGALLOCH, have posted a tour diary on their official MySpace page.

Singer Paul Kuhr writes, "We've arrived back home in Chicago, after two weeks in Europe. This was simply an amazing time, and eye opening to say the least! We went with very low expectations, and saw the tour as an opportunity to promote the band in new areas. None of us expected the response we received. The European fans are a different breed from America. Some of these fans made huge sacrifices to see the show, from traveling 20 hours by bus, or 10 hours by train, the dedication was astounding.

"So, we say 'Thank you' to the fans in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, Denmark, and England, and those who traveled from Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Austria, and so many others that elude me at the moment. It was our pleasure, and an honor to play for you, because without you, it wouldn't have been possible for us. We're already planning our return!"

For the full tour dairy, click here.
Wow, sounds really awesome, congratulations on such a successful tour! :D That really makes me wanna see ND live, it just sucks that you guys would never get that sort of crowd response and attendance here.

My first post in Novembers Doom forum. Just to say thanks to Novembers Doom and the rest of the bands for those amazings gigs.

I travel with a friend from Madrid, Spain (1200 miles) to see you. I saw the first two gigs, Plato Helmond (Netherlands) and Biebob Vooselar (Belgium). Both were superb, specially at Biebob. A packed venue, good sound, just a pity Belgium fans are quiet. In Spain people had become crazy with you guys.

It doesn´t matter how many miles we had to travel. It was fun and overwhelming having the chance of seeing Novembers Doom, Agalloch, Saturnus and even Thurisaz.

I hope you play one day in Spain or again in Europe. I´ll be there for sure.

By the way, Paul, very interesting tour diary. I´m journalist (write for an internet webzine) and you got style, man. Maybe one day I can do an interview with you. It would be nice!

Thank you very much again for this unforgetable weekend.

Greetings from Spain.

Amazing, thanks for posting that. Seems like the night in Prague was funny :loco:

Ahm... I need an explanation of this:

Marco Spain -> vaya huevazos tío, pedazo viaje :) Me come la envidia :) Si escribes una crónica pon enlace
Thank you very much for posting that. I enjoyed reading it!
Please come back to Europe soon.
Thx, Paul

Wonderfull review. I'm glad you liked Belgium and were even thinking of moving to it ;-).
and yes it's true Kriek is a 'woman beer'. But a lot of +35 year young men drink it ;-)
So am i.
thx again, can't wait for the new album and performing again in Belgium

My first post in Novembers Doom forum. Just to say thanks to Novembers Doom and the rest of the bands for those amazings gigs.

I travel with a friend from Madrid, Spain (1200 miles) to see you. I saw the first two gigs, Plato Helmond (Netherlands) and Biebob Vooselar (Belgium). Both were superb, specially at Biebob. A packed venue, good sound, just a pity Belgium fans are quiet. In Spain people had become crazy with you guys.

It doesn´t matter how many miles we had to travel. It was fun and overwhelming having the chance of seeing Novembers Doom, Agalloch, Saturnus and even Thurisaz.

I hope you play one day in Spain or again in Europe. I´ll be there for sure.

By the way, Paul, very interesting tour diary. I´m journalist (write for an internet webzine) and you got style, man. Maybe one day I can do an interview with you. It would be nice!

Thank you very much again for this unforgetable weekend.

Greetings from Spain.


That's unreal. Thank you much for going so far to see us. That means the world to us. I hope to get to Spain on our next trip. We WILL be back!
Amazing, thanks for posting that. Seems like the night in Prague was funny :loco:

Ahm... I need an explanation of this:

Marco Spain -> vaya huevazos tío, pedazo viaje :) Me come la envidia :) Si escribes una crónica pon enlace

Prague was nuts. The only night I got my drink on. hahaha We all got nuts with the fans, it was a blast. I have about 100 photos from that night. hahaha
I was talking with Jason from Agalloch and with Chris(?) (a guy that came with Agalloch) and I consider a shame the conditions you came to Europe. I guess travelling from the US to Europe is quite expensive but the bands deserve a little more. OK, you´re underground bands but I can understand why didn´t you come here before.

If fans can do it, things like people from Russia, Latvia, Uk or Spain have done (travelling from other countries), it´s just to say "thank you" to all those bands that fight for this kind of music just for the love they (bands) feel to metal, doom or whatever.

Like he said in his tour diary, I saw Paul in Plato Helmond watching Saturnus like any other fan. That´s the key I guess.

SONGLESS: He estado liado pero en diez días espero haber hecho una crónica de los conciertos (eso sí, sin fotos, que fuimos tan listos que nos dejamos la cámara en Madrid pq el chaval que viene conmigo aquí a hacer de fotógrafo no fue a Holanda y yo no estoy acostumbrado por lo que se me olvidó)