European tour set-list


New Metal Member
Apr 2, 2007
Hi everybody. I'm a fan of Katatonia from Spain, and I'll be in the concert of Madrid, on April 13th, but I haven't been before in any of their concerts. ¿Can anybody tell me (aprox.) which will be the set list? I'm quite lost :ill: Thanks :kickass:
At the gigs I saw they played (has setlist):
1: Leaders
2: Wealth
3: Soil's Song
4: Deadhouse
5: Teargas
6: Sweet Nurse
7: Deliberation
8: Ghost of the sun
9: My Twin
10: Criminals
11: Future of Speech
12: Tonights Music
13: For My Demons
14: Sleeper
15: July
16: In The White
17: Evidence
18: Murder

They will most probably play the most of those songs
The last time they played in Turkey(last year in September) they played;
soil's song
(had to) leave
cold ways
right into the bliss
ghost of the sun
my twin
future of speech
One hell of a Playlist!!I felt shot in the head and couldn't believe it when they played Cold Ways!!!
Thanks everybody! I knew some songs where in the show (like Leaders, Teargas, Murder, Evidence...) but I want to learn all lyrics before going to the concert xD Probably I won't be able to sing all of them (singing aaaaaallll songs is so hard for me, I finish without voice) but I want to try :goggly:

Again, thanks to everybody. Be sure I`ll enjoy the concert for all :rock: :kickass: :rock:
OberynMartell, i see you're a fan of George Martin's 'Song Of Ice And Fire'. an awesome piece of literature!
OberynMartell, i see you're a fan of George Martin's 'Song Of Ice And Fire'. an awesome piece of literature!

Oh, yes, is one of the best books I've ever read. Surely you have read "a feast for crows", but I`m waiting its translation to spanish... my english is not enough good to read it :erk: I hope the editor will publish AFFC before 2008... but...