Event ASP8 Studio Precision monitors... any thoughts?

i love mine. they were really easy to get used to as well. the bands who come in the studio seem to like the way they sound as well. just make sure you can try them out or return them just in case they dont work for you.
Damnit, all these people around me are snapping them up at a fraction of the price!! Need to get in on some of this action.

I would recommend hearing them first, to ensure that they work for you. It's a pretty good bet they will however as they are amazing mid-budget monitors.

I freakin LOVE mine. I don't believe you can go wrong with getting them at regular price, much less at a discount. You'll be amazed at how much better you seem to get almost overnight.
Made the switch a year ago from KRK V8's & I've never looked back. Great stuff. Wonderful in a soffit mount. Major bottom end.

The only caveat I can think of is it took me a while to get used to mixing vocals with them: I was so used to mixing on the KRK's that the vocals seemed to jump right out on the ASP8's... leading me to bury them a bit.

It might take a while to 'learn' these monitors, but from my own experience, I'm making better mixes with them.

I think I'm still in that "learning space" with mine as I've only had them a few weeks but based on a couple of quick remixes of old tracks, they've improved my mix translation and the ability to find a good sound quickly when tracking.

They're very sweet in the high end and that's where I'm still training my ears on them (my old Tannoys are quite dark sounding in comparison), but listening to loads of reference disks is helping to make the adjustment.
:OMG: WTF? Buy 'em. You can always sell them and make a killing profit if you want. (but you wont)

I guess I need to get speaker cables for mine. Been using...you guessed it...instrument cables. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops: :loco: :rolleyes:

You don't need speaker cables for powered monitors... you need balanced cables - TRS to TRS or TRS to XLR.
bah... someone told him they are worth more and now he isnt selling them...


But I did find someone selling a Mesa Dual for $900... possibly willing to sell for less...

Downside to the internet, all the sudden everybody knows the correct prices for all items. 900 For the mesa ain't shabby either :worship: