Event Opal Studio EQ Package now shipping!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

Just got the word from Peter that it's finally done and a copy has been shipped over to my place. I'll let you know how it all goes.

All the Opal owners here with registered speakers should probably expect to be getting theirs in the near future.

Let me know when you guys get yours. I registered twice but the page was messed up and I don't think it went through. I then called Event but i'm still not certain they have it right. Well see i guess. Keep me posted guys!!
Any first impressions/details on how the package works etc??!very keen to get it to help me with dealing with/treating my new less than ideal room..
Cool thread! thanks for the info!
I can't wait to get it... My mixes are ok in my room but at the big studio I work sometimes it doesn't translate well...
But I'm not sure if my Opals really are registred cause like Joshua the page was messed up and tried two times...
I'm going to email them to know if mine are on the way.

Ermz, let us know what you think about it please!
just receive this email from Event:

Hi Edward,
The Sudio EQ kit has been in the final stages of development and is finally ready to ship.
As a registered OPAL owner your kit will be sent to the address you provided upon registration.
Tentatively the kits will start shipping the first week of October.


Ron Yett
Service & Support
Hey judge is back!


just receive this email:


Firstly I wanted to thank you for your patience in awaiting the release of the StudioEQ package. Although it has been a long time coming I am sure you will agree that the final product is worth the wait.

Including a precision measurement microphone with mic clip, USB sound card, speaker cables, StudioEQ will give you all the tools you need to measure and understand your Opals' performance in your listening environment.

For an overview of the product features, and a demonstration of the Opal calibration process please visit http://www.vimeo.com/16377965 or view the video tutorial on our support page at www.eventelectronics.com/support.php

We will be commencing shipment next week from Sydney, but in the meantime I would like to give you the opportunity to confirm your shipping address to ensure a speedy delivery.

Please reply to this email with your shipping address and a contact phone number. As we will be shipping via a courier we cannot accept PO Boxes.

Thanks for your understanding.

Kind Regards,
Scott Emerton

Marketing & Communications Manager
RØDE Microphones/EVENT Electronics