Event Opals or SSL alphalink??


Jun 20, 2007

So my studio has been up and running for about 2years. The next thing in my chain is either new monitors or new converters. Can't afford getting both at the same time so it is decision time i guess.

The gear that i have now is Yamaha hs80 and a Digi003. I know the monitors very well so i don't think my mixes will get thaaat much better if i get better monitors. The hs80's weakest point is the highbass and the lowmids which i have some troubble in getting right atm. But then again many famous mixers use low-mid end monitors but i still have a hard time letting the thought go haha

Im thinking of the Event Opals which i heard and loved, really nice high-fi quality to them. And the converters i thought of is the SSL alphalink and the Kush GainTrain unit. 24 I/O for that price is pretty hard to beat.
The thing is that im planning on buying more hardware units so im running out of inserts to, so i would eventually have to upgrade anyway.

I have a Crane Song spider so the recording signal going in is really good and the masterclock in the spider is awesome. So i would buy the SSL for the extra i/o and for monitoring. My room is practically perfect in terms of sound response btw.

So what do you guys think??
I think the monitors would make a far more tangible difference. Even if your mixes don't improve drastically I think it would still be a great improvement in terms of workflow.
I haven't worked with the SSL Alphalink so I can't really say anything about its specific quality, but I'd also buy new monitors first. The Opals are great and while better converters (in general) will probably result in a rather small audible difference, the Opals will be a much bigger improvement to your monitoring. In a treated room like yours, the difference between "ok" and "really good" monitors is astounding from what I experienced (Going from Adam A7 -> S3A, in the untreated room there wasn't much of a difference but now it's night and day).
Imho, to really be able to profit from "high-end" converters, your monitors and room (which is apparently already the case) should be of very high quality first.
:lol: That was quick. Please let us know how you like them!

I just saw a pair of Klein+Hummel O300's go on Ebay for 2260€ which is a ridiculous price imo :o I was really tempted to buy them, compare them to my S3As for a few days and then sell the inferior pair.. but then again I am content with the Adams so I guess it's just my G.A.S. coming through :S