Ever feel like there is no one there?


Sep 26, 2011
Denver, Colorado
Today has just been a really bad day for me. I don't know why, but I feel like nobody is there. Except family, and I don't want to have them worry about me. Like how hard is it for one of your supposed friends to ask you how you are, or make an attempt to hang out with you just once?

often felt like this, bought gear then :D

ok, but seriously, everyone has days like these, it comes and it goes.
don't always expect others to ask you if you want to hang or if you're ok,
i mean if you need/want something then go for it!

try to get a girl, it cures most problems of this kind, well asumed she's not a total psycho...good luck! :D
Its not like i always expect them to ask. They just don't. I try to go for it with a lot of things, and I get shut down. Also, I have a girlfriend, of almost 2 years now actually. but i feel like we have exhausted our conversations and we have already talked about everything. She just moved to Texas because she couldn't find a job in my state, so yeah. i just feel completely fucked. i have always been there for friends, even if it severely inconvenienced me. I even borrowed my moms car when we were having a big dinner party to help my friend not relapse and do heroine the other day, and we arent even great friends. That's always been one of my things is to always be there no matter what. that is what friends are for.
not really ready to move out lol. No job, come from a poor household so parents cant help with that. Plus, I dont even know where i would go, and i love colorado way to much
This thread is so gay.

jokes aside, I may sound like a monster or something but I don't suffer from these kinds of things. It's like my evolutionary drive just stopped working. I don't feel the need for people to be "there for me". I don't know, it's like I'm completely fine alone, emotionally. You know those dudes who's whole lives fall apart when they loose a girl/wife leaves/whatever? The type that put their entire beings worth in other people? I don't go through that.

So yeah, get better? lol

sorry for derailing your bawwww thread.
This thread is so gay.

jokes aside, I may sound like a monster or something but I don't suffer from these kinds of things. It's like my evolutionary drive just stopped working. I don't feel the need for people to be "there for me". I don't know, it's like I'm completely fine alone, emotionally. You know those dudes who's whole lives fall apart when they loose a girl/wife leaves/whatever? The type that put their entire beings worth in other people? I don't go through that.

So yeah, get better? lol

sorry for derailing your bawwww thread.

c'mon SocialNumb we all need a blowjob sometimes. :D

More serious?! I feel what you are talking almost all my life, with or without girlfriend. With aging becomes easier.
essentialy we are all alone, and other people and how they affect is is just the way our brain interprets reality.

or, if you take some acid, we are all one one universal concioussness.

you can pick one those two or float right around the middle or something... yeah, that wasn't helpful
The choices are there in front of you... and summing up whats already been said... don't sit and moan about it... we've all been in that situation at one point, some of us (SocialNumb) handle it better than others...
I pretty much don't have time/money for socialising/drinking/playing music... I aint whinging... I don't have time to whinge... if you have time to whinge your energies aren't being used to their full potential... if you have time to write this thread, you have time to do something about it... if you want to move, do it, if you want something bad enough you can achieve it, if in this case it is socialising with friends, then get out, change their perception of you to that of someone more fun and outgoing...

If your friends are dicks then you need to go out anyway and find a new social group...

Don't sit in the house... thats the worst (trust me) place to be...

This entire thread will seem like tough lovin but dude... Man up...
Absolutely... my GF and I share the majority of our social circles, its how we met... theres a few folk we know/hang out with from seperate groups but for the majority, if there are occasions where someone becomes a dick... they get called on it or after a while of them not bothering to get in touch or respond to a text or two, then fuck it, its not the end of the world...

Means one or two less mouths to feed when I break out the BBQ and Mead this summer...