Ever feel like quitting music?


Mar 31, 2009
I've always wanted to play or produce music for a living, but now that I am getting closer to making that happen, I keep feeling like I want out; like I am pathetic for playing music. It used to be so cool to me, and I still really enjoy music when I'm behind a guitar and a mic or a drumkit, but when I'm away from those things I feel like it's just a big waste of time.

Long story short, I was a really smart student, had a lot of great opportunites, but some people close to me blocked a couple of those opportunities pushing me into a downward spiral. I ended up taking none of those opportunities because as smart as I was, I really was really stupid.

Music is what I turn to when I feel like shit, and I get so caught up in it that I forget about "the real world" and live in my own. I get the urge to quit and try to resurrect my previous life of academics. I wouldn't have a cave of music to crawl into when I'm down.

I have quit pretty much everything else in my life, why not music? I really don't know what the hell I want anymore. All I know is, I feel like the biggest piece of shit in the world unless I have a guitar in my hands. And even then, all I am doing is whining about my life. How pathetic...

Do you ever get the urge to just jump ship and take a completely different path in life?
I'm no psychiatraist, but it honestly sounds to me like there are underlying issues that need looked into and dealt with and your declining interest in academics and music are symptoms.
I'm going to +1 what Metal_Overload posted.
Music that makes you feel, comes from your soul. It is a language of its own that can be far more theraputic than spoken word communication.
Wanting to entirely quit something you love so much, sounds to me like you're punishing yourself... based on your original post, I'd guess its (at least partly) because of your choices regarding academics. Its healthy to have a break from music or whatever other hobbies you have and sort yourself out in other areas at times.
Now that is a very strange way to look at it... Like I've got no friends left, might aswell get rid of my wife.

You can't quit music man... It haunts you forever.


I was like 100% sure that i was going to stop playing guitar and making my own music a few months ago... now im coming back! :lol:
Music is the most addictive thing there is, its _IMPOSSIBLE_ to give it up!
I mean if you have other stuff going on right now in your life just take a break. There's nothing wrong in taking a break and then get back after a while, you will probably have a lot of awesome ideas when you eventually come back.

I will probably enter one of those breaks in april when our baby is due to be delivered.
Recording music has made me appreciate talent a lot more than I did before. Every time I have the opportunity to work with an awesome band, or a band that has potential to be awesome, I get really excited.

I'm sorry you feel that way. There's a good chance you're just thinking too much... I'm serious now. When I think about life more than a healthy amount, I get really confused and dismal. You should just do what makes you happy or what you think will make you happy.
I only ever get that urge when I think about the financial reality of sustaining an engineering or production career in audio these days. The only way to make it work is to sell out your principles and churn out every piss-poor act that comes through the door and (attempt to) make them sound a million bucks. There is a lot of compromise involved, and that is what I struggle with the most.

I think you should roll with whatever gives you the most satisfaction in your life. Did your academic prospects interest you? There is no point being a 9 to 5'er and raking in 6 figures if you're miserable. At the very least with music, even if you do end up in a rut, you will be surrounded by something that gives you some level of joy.
I think the key here is to balance everything. Why not go explore old opportunities, and still keep music on the side? I'd put money behind saying you probably wont quit music. It's sort of one of those things that once you've started, you can't just QUIT... like crack. you'll go like 3 days and be like "damn I want to play some fiddle" and by day 5 you're curled up in the corner screaming about how the walls are turning into pork rinds and talking about how amazing paul gilbert's picking hand is(dont pretend it isn't fantastic). my vote is for GO TO SCHOOL! music will always be there, but the opportunities you have now will NOT.
I like Maroon 5...
I was in a similar situation. I play guitar still, but I don't have any bands or anythin right now. I'd say just let it chill for a while and then later on if you wanna come back it's still there.
If music stirs your soul that it is something you should continue with. One of the great things about music is that it asks nothing of you. It does not get upset with you when you go away for a while. It stays patient when you feel you are not progressing. I'm one of those musicians that sometimes have a problem with their muse - it stays quite for long periods of time and I have to focus on other portions of my life to get the inspiration I need to have it speak to me again. But it is always there when I need it - in darkness and in light, it keeps me sane. If you have to focus on other area of your life (which by the sounds of your post you do), then do that - music will be there when you return, when you need it.

Music is more than a hobby, more than a career - it's spiritual, it's emotional, it's like breathing - you need it.