Thinking about quitting playing guitar

Well, i havent read all the post but i swear I will. I am too tired right now.

Depression was mentioned, so..I had it when i was 16. Took meds for 3 years, and then I was 'good'. My whole family has this shit, and all doctors say its a family thing. Other aspects of my life arent great right now, like my relationship with my wife. When someone you really love throws the wedding ring at you, it cant feel great, right ? My stuttering (yeah, i am a friggin' stutter) is also bothering me too much but it is something that will be with me for the rest of my life. The list can get long if I start to list everything i am unsatisfied, but wtf, everyone has a big list.

Anyway, the topic is not about that :lol:

So, it is possible i have depression, but, i dont know man. To be honest, i almost dont listen to music anymore. Sometimes i am so tired when i come from work, that i don't even turn the ar conditioner on my car because it really bothers. The music i listen is almost 100% the crap i record, and mostly crap i really dislike. And sometimes i just avoid listening what my wife dislikes. Maybe THAT is the problem. Listening to music, finding a way to make it a big part of my life again.

I've sold a big chunk of my gear when my wife was pregnant. I had to buy a bunch of home gear (a big /m\ ), so the first thing to go was my pedals, some speakers, some mikes. Now i've got two guitars, my SG and my COrt, an EQ, and Boost, both whose use is only recording, and my home built amp. It is probably something I will not sell just because it brings back some great memories. But it is a pity to leave those things 'thrown'.

I am jsut trying to be honest to myself. I kinda envy my friends with bands, and regret leaving music behind when all those things happened in the last year, but right now i am really looking for answers, and that's why I posted here. You guys are a cool bunch of people and always have something smart to say :)
jangoux, you have found the problem in your life and it's up to you and no one else to find the right solution to your happiness. Everyone here in this forum has given you much support and wants you to be happy man! Life has its ways of teaching us lessons and if you hang tight and keep your head up you'll be a much stronger person. There was a similar thread not too long ago where someone gave this advice; "You can have anything you want, but you can't everything" You've got more responsibilities in your life now but don't get bummed out because things aren't the same, instead embrace the change and find out what truly makes you happy. Best of Luck man :kickass:
If it's cool I wanna give my deal with this.

I'm in a similar boat, not the same , I'm not married or with a kid so it's a tad different. But I have school, and a shitty ass hell part time job and making music fit into life can be difficult for me, I've been having some mood issues as well which basically makes everything I used to like not so much fun anymore..

I've basically stopped playing with bands, and I've pretty much stopped practicing like I used to. I still play now and again though, it just hasn't been the same and I don't even feel like trying to be a musician or even THINK about writing something. Recently though I've divulged into different kinds of music and it's made me want to try and play again. I think that still listening to music as a listener and not a musician is a good way to evaluate the situation. Take some time to just fucking enjoy what music is..
I listened to Theocracy's album recently and it just made me feel great' like I actually wanted to play again.

So I don't knnow what I'm jonesing at just listen and maybe you will find something that makes you want to step back into the water a little. Fear not amigo!
Your story kinda brings a tear to me eye, bro. I think because I can somewhat relate. I think my main issue though is not having anyone to share the passion with, which is why I come to this forum. My now Fiance and I kind of ran away to Oregon to be together, and in so doing I left behind my band and all my friends. Its a long story which I won't get into here. My Fiance is totally worth it, it's wonderful here, and I don't regret anything, but I often have periods of mild depression living in a small town with no friends to share my passion for music with.

Maybe you have a similar issue? Do you have friends that you can hang out with and for example just have a beer and talk shop about your favorite Pantera album? I know it can be tough if they're all in bands and you're not, as inevitably they will probably want to discuss what they're up to or whatever, but if you can just talk about music and listen to things that give you goosebumps because it's so cool, it just might keep that spark alive.

For now, if I were you, I'd try to not force any inspiration. Let it come to you. If it never does, it never does. It seems like other aspects of your life are encroaching on your passion for music, and likely other passions you may have as well. It might be a bad time to force yourself into music. As mentioned before, treat it as an escape. It will always be there for you. If things are really getting to you, find a time and place to put on one of your fave albums from your youth, and grab a beer, and just zone out. Food for the soul, man. Thats meditation for the metalhead. Lose yourself in the sound. Let it envelop you. Sorry for sounding so lame.
James Murphy, I never really expected to make it big. When i had a band, we had the chance to travel, to do some cool stuff, but due to the inability of some members to be serious when needed, we never achieved more. Today, i dont expect to do that as i have a daughter (and none of our relatives give us much support on that - so we must pay someone when we need to go out without her), a job and a bunch of other things that can´t be put away because of a band. I just want to have the drive again, play, compose, etc. I was never a big fan of practices, so band was the only moment i REALLY had fun - when i played basketball at highschool, it was the same thing - hated to play it alone. But, IF I dont have this drive anymore ? If all my relationship with music wasnt/isnt really love ? I cant find a real answer at this moment.

Uladyne, Since i got together with my wife, i lost a few friends due to many reasons. And, today, I am so more mature than all my friends (due to the fact that i am the only one who carries a house on my back) that certain subjects are really hard to talk, you know? Even music is hard, as we all have different interests. We ´talked´ nicely about music when we used to shut up and just play, but that´s rare.

Well, thanks for all the replies so far. It helped talking to someone. I still dont have the my own answer but at least i talked to somebody and read some great words. Thanks everyone!
Just want to add that at your age you shouldn't worry so much about it. I went almost 10 years without any musical instruments because I just wasn't into it anymore. It wasn't until later on in life that I ran into some old friends that had a band and needed a bass player so I bought a used bass and an amp. That band didn't last long but here I am 10 years later (i'm 38) and I have been messing around on guitar, bass, keyboards and recording my own music since. Sometimes I go a couple of months without touching any of it but it doesn't bother me because it's just a hobby, no pressure. There have been times recently that I thought about selling off all my stuff and moving on but then inspiration hits me and I have the tools to make some music if I want to. Just don't get the mindset that you NEED to be playing at any time. It's all about what you WANT to do. I used to draw a lot but haven't in fucking forever. We do have some pads and pencils in the house though so if I ever feel like drawing I have the shit to do it with. Also, back to guitar, I have an acoustic sitting in my living room and it seems like the only time I touch it is when I start getting burned out from my other shit. It serves a purpose I believe.
I'm a drummer, and I have a list of people who have influenced me greatly (I've got Flo's drumstick, w00t!), but NONE have influenced me as much as Mr. Devin Townsend. That mother fucker changed my whole view on music, he changed all of the riffs I was writing, he changed everything.

I have a similiar problem as you (which all know by now since I have my very own attention thread! Look at me, look at me, I'm so emo I'm crying!). I quit playing in a band over a year ago (although we are still a "band", we just never play), and now my education is almost complete and I'm losing interest in music just by thinking about life, job, moving from place A to B to C to D etc. Everything seems dull and boring, everything seems to suck knowing that I might have to give up or atleast drastically tone down my music life.

But there is this one person who keeps my sanity in place... it's Devin. Without him, I would probably have done something stupid like selling everything I have in anger, but just by listening to his music and watching some videos on Youtube, I remember what music truly is. This is helping me fight off these "fuck it all, I'll sell everything and stop"-feelings, because I know that if I stop completely, I'd never be able to live.

So my point is, maybe you need someone to inspire you. I thought I was inspired by various drummers and bands I listened to you know, but apparently I didn't even have a fucking clue of what inspiration meant, until I discovered Devin Townsend. It's hard to just go find someone to inspire you, but when you do, it all changes.

Tomorrow evening, I'll be toasting for Mr. Devin Townsend with a litre of wine! (Don't have cash for Vodka or Whisky atm hahaha, I'm a broke ass)