so i think i am really going to quit playing guitar..


May 9, 2006

My wife just fired me from the band we played together. Its been a while since i didnt find any excitement playing guitar, but i really, really liked playing with her and thats probably the only reason i still played guitar - i think we really clicked together. She said ' i didnt want to play anymore' and that was the reason she fired me. Not completely false...i mean, i hated the idea of rehearsing and doing stuff like that, but liked it when i was there, had fun playing, etc.

Life duties have taken the energy i had for this...I dont even touch the guitar at home anymore. When i pick it up, i drop it within 3 minuts because i dont even know what to play anymore, neither i have any idea of doing something. I always think i have something else better to do - play some stupid online formula 1 game, mess with my computer, read forums or just relaxing...

I am really sad because it is one more of those things i had to have fun, to forget about everything, but it simply went away.I have been thinking about this for quite some time ( i even posted about it a while ago ) and now i think this is it.

I think i will probably sell some of my gear but i am not sure if i keep my guitars or not. I hate having them stopped inside the case, but both are really special to me. The SG was given by my father when i had my 18th bday (even though he's an asshole, its still special) and the other (a Cort M600) was one of those love at first sight things.

Well, back to mixing some crappy out of tune classical singer...
If I ever get to that point I know there will be at least one guitar that stays with me forever. I think you should do the same. If not to have the chance to pick it up again one day, then at least as a reminder of all the years you enjoyed it.
Dude, was it only you and your wife playing together? I wouldn't really call that "firing", but if there was a band, and she kicked you out, are you fucking kidding me? Man, I wish you the best of luck in working all this out!
I feel you man.

I recently quit my band due to lack of motivation and not holding my weight. I don't practice much anymore and haven't written anything in a while. Coupled with creative differences (my other guitarist has a completely different style from myself - I just couldn't jive with the stuff he was writing), it was time for me to bow out. The guys in my band are my best friends of 10+ years, so they understood.

Playing for me is just very stagnant right now. I need to focus on my personal life before I can commit 100% to a band. So, yeah, I feel your pain dude!

Don't worry though...If you love something enough, you will come back to it. I just need a break from it for a while.

Well, I set apart the guitar playing thing for 4 years, now I'm trying to come back again...
I was so fed up with my last band, so I sold everything BUT the guitars, since they have personal value ( lots of gigs, lots of struggle to buy them, etc).

I think it'll be a good thing to set it apart for a while, but don't sell anything, you'll want to come back sooner than you think, and you'll have your gear there ;)
Fired... by your WIFE?! Dude - that's fucking ridiculous. Of course, no offense and not trying to make it worse, but fuck... that's bullshit.

Hope you can work it out!

And don't quit dude... you will really regret it.
dont sell your gear - you need to keep it

i promise you... no... i guarantee you within the next 2 years you will start playing guitar again because some new musical adventure will pop up!

if you were not liking rehearsals then your not committing yourself to the band and its better off she kicked you out. to put it logical that way your not wasting her time and shes not wasting your time and you can both move on in your musical careers.

but again like i said do not sell your gear - someone is going to pop up and your going to be asked to play guitar again and your going to love it.
and when it happens just remember what i wrote. you can never make the decision to stop being a musician after so many years because its become what you are
Damn dude, thats ashame.. im in the exact same situation, its a bitch, at the same time, i feel sooo relieved by it.

What ever you do, keep your absolute favorite guitars no matter what!
As for me, i know i wont ever completely give up guitar, so im selling of my amps and some of my guitars, but i just bought a 5w amp, a Boss SD-1 and did a major setup on my favorite guitar.. only so that when the day comes where i feel: "Damn i want to play guitar!", all i have to do is pick it up and shred the riffz! ;)

.. im talking to much, so to round things of: Keep your guitars, on the amp side, go back to basics!
Well, yeah, fired by my wife. I wasnt upset with her because of her reasons - she's kinda tired of not playing/singing/whatever and 'i dont wanna play'. I agree with it, and i also think i was holding her back by not following her creative intensity right now. I am not upset by the firing, btw, even tho' it hurts a little bit.

To be honest, i kinda stopped playing 3 years ago when my old band broke up, my wife got pregnant and we had all kinds of problems. Since then, i've been less and less interested in playing, and my creativity has gone away along with the interest - if that makes sense.

What i feel right now is a mix of frustration and sadness. I mean, it's 12 years with this thing with me, almost 150 gigs with my old band, a LOT of my youth. My wife, all the sex i had, most of my friends, everything came from music/playing guitar. And despite the fact that i will miss it, it doesnt make sense to me anymore...I just have a huge list of things that i'd rather do and have more importance. It's kinda when you have a relationship with someone, and despite the fact that you like this person, you don't feel IT anymore, you know. Maybe my work at the studio turned music in a job and i lost it..i dunno...