Quitting Smoking


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
I've been smoking for 2 years now and I hate it. I know its not long but the only cig I really enjoy is the first of the day when I wake up.

Do you guys have any tips/methods that have helped you?

I read a self hypnosis book and listened to a couple of CDs to help but none really worked. The book was pretty good and summed up a few things like a lot of people do not want to quit because of fear

"how will I cope without one after food?!"
"what about my routine?!"

I need to stop this shit! Its draining my money and effecting my health. I usually go through 25g of baccy in about 3-4 days. Again, I know its not that much but I really wanna nail this thing on the head
Run. Seriously. If you run a lot, you won't want to smoke as much. It will also keep you in good shape.
Also make rules like, no smoking in your car or house. When you go places, go to places that are no-smoking.
When you leave your house, don't bring your cigarettes.
To be honest, one day out of the blue I just said to myself "Fuck it, not buying them anymore". No bullshit with the patches, or hypnosis or anything. Just went straight cold turkey, nothing more, nothing less.
Fact is, if you want to quit, you will quit. Most people say they want to quit, but the truth is, unless they truly quit, they never actually really had it in their heart to properly quit.
It's just like anything, if you want it, you can probably get it if you bust your ass and want it with a burning passion. I wanted to quit smoking so fucking badly, so I just said fuck it and said to myself I'll live through the withdrawal symptoms, because it's for the better.
Seriously, the amount of CDs you can buy if you don't smoke is phenomenal. CDs will last ages, whereas baccy just goes down the drain fast.
On top of that, having more money for gear and bills and stuff is always good.

Start an exercise regime. That shit pumps endorphins into your body and takes your mind off the nicotine.
Or if you're like me and hate the shit out of running, I suggest biking if you have a bicycle. I've been doing that recently and I noticed that I'll do best leaving the smokes at home when I'm going for a ride
Thanks for the tips fellars.

Thats what I planned on doing though, jsut saying fuck it and stopping completely. Only takes 3 days to get the nicotine out of your system that way. But yeh, it needs to be a fully committed "im going to stop". I need to get my head round it and maybe set a date as when its gonna just stop. Clear all the ash trays out my room, clear all smoking attire etc.

Joey, are you still smoking? If so, did running help you cut down?

And Harry, have you quit? What helped

I'm gonna try running I think. Or join a gym. Both me and my girlfriend smoke the same amount and both want to quit.
it's important to be VERY committed to this if you want to succeed. To the point where you can set yourself fall backs etc, and get people around you to help. i've had friends advise me to literally remove their smokes from them and throw them away if they picked one up etc. Luckily I haven't had to :p but still, try to make it as concrete as possible. And then, find something beneficial and long lasting to replace the smoking. As was mentioned, running, cycling etc.
What I love about biking is how you can go faster and longer distances, and actually be able to enjoy the view while doing it :lol: but it's just a matter of preference

Still smoking, haven't done that for a few days now though. Generally, I smoke 4-8 cigs a day.
it's important to be VERY committed to this if you want to succeed. To the point where you can set yourself fall backs etc, and get people around you to help. i've had friends advise me to literally remove their smokes from them and throw them away if they picked one up etc. Luckily I haven't had to :p but still, try to make it as concrete as possible. And then, find something beneficial and long lasting to replace the smoking. As was mentioned, running, cycling etc.

Thanks for the tips dude :) Looks like I'm taking the cycling route.Actually, I'm gonna give running a go first though, use to be quite good but that was a good 5+ years ago aha I'll see how it goes

What I love about biking is how you can go faster and longer distances, and actually be able to enjoy the view while doing it :lol: but it's just a matter of preference

Still smoking, haven't done that for a few days now though. Generally, I smoke 4-8 cigs a day.

Havn't done what for a few days? Smoking or cycling?

But yeh, I totally agree that you can go longer and enjoy the view! Sadly, I'm smoking between 15-20 a day. I'm on rolls ups so its not QUITE as bad as normal cigs, but theyre still not good! My dad's on around 50-60 a day which sucks. Hes late 50's now though so I dont see him quitting any time soon :(
Fair enough man haha

I know yeh! I never see him without a cig in his mouth like...ever.
He smoked over 400 cigs one week! My mum went wild to say the least. Hes a cut down a little but fuck, not a lot!
I have been smoking going on three years now, and I at most smoke about a pack a week. Then again I smoke the strongest fullest flavor that I can get my hands on so snaking more than three a day will have your lungs hating you. I have quite more than once, not because I said I was going to quit, I just didn't feel like smoking and wouldn't buy a pack for ages except the rare occasion that a friend from school would share one when we were out a break, but this was only like 2 or three times.

I took an anxiety class and found out why cigarettes can be so addicting. They talked about meditation and deep breathing and how relaxation from deep breathing comes from the exhale, which is the most concentrated act while smoking. It becomes difficult doing the seams breathing without a smoke because you don't get the same feedback from clean air as you do from smoke. That and a cigarette gives you something do do physically, to keep you occupied when you are doing menial things like socializing or just sitting in your backyard to yourself, which would normally be boring after a few minutes, because fairly enjoyable when you have a cigarette in your hands, occupying yourself physically while you keep your brain occupied on whatever you are thinking about.

The trick if you really want to quit is to find other things that satisfy you that give you something menial to do with your hands, for me thats drinking something, water, juice, soda, beer, what have you, and having small snacks if you are around the house. When I am out in public I only go out when I have something important to do so I am always occupied and trying to get shit doesn't to even think about smoking, and between all of that, has been the reason that I have quit more than once without even realizing it. One day I will think, "there is something that I haven't done in awhile" and then later on it will hit me that I haven't had a smoke for some time, usually a week or two, then something will come along and I will want one and it breaks the cycle, but I don't turn around and start chain smoking after that either. I have never really cared to quit nor have I tried, because considering how easy I can forget about smoking and not knowing, very simple will power can get it completely, but in my case because I am not really "addicted" even two months of not having a single smoke, I still can crave one just as hard as I do when I am smoking, so it can become a lifelong battle in that respect.

I recommend you try weaning yourself down a bit, like get some stronger flavored tobacco, try to occupy yourself, and give yourself small menial things to do, maybe even invest in an electric cigarette or even a hookah and have a tradition to smoke that as a social get together occasionally. If you can replace cigarettes with something very similar but much safer especially electric cigarettes, then do it, that with normal exercise, your desire to smoke will decrease the healthier you are.
Thanks for the tips fellars.

Thats what I planned on doing though, jsut saying fuck it and stopping completely. Only takes 3 days to get the nicotine out of your system that way. But yeh, it needs to be a fully committed "im going to stop". I need to get my head round it and maybe set a date as when its gonna just stop. Clear all the ash trays out my room, clear all smoking attire etc.

Joey, are you still smoking? If so, did running help you cut down?

And Harry, have you quit? What helped

I'm gonna try running I think. Or join a gym. Both me and my girlfriend smoke the same amount and both want to quit.

Yeah, as was said in my first post, pretty much just went cold turkey because I was sick of buying them and wasting my money on that crap when I could be buying CDs and guitar strings and stuff, just more productive use of my money.
I used to still socially smoke after I got off the addiction (when I was a social smoker, I didn't even buy them, just bummed them off mates :lol:), but I haven't touched a ciggie since the start of June now.
I lift weights, and have been doing so since about the end of May, and the fact ciggies lower testosterone levels is enough to keep me off them even socially.
Not really drinking alcohol anymore has helped a lot.
If your girl wants to quit smoking too, both of you should hit the gym, the walking track or whatever.
It's definitely more motivating and fun to have a fitness partner, especially if have the same goals in mind like that (in your cases, quitting smoking).
I'd say quit on a Friday, I read nicotine withdrawl is pretty bad, and you don't want to be up all night in pain when there's work the next morning. I was lucky enough to quit when I realized I started having smoke cravings.
Read Allen Carr's first book. Be done with it. You don't need to know anything else. It's going to be fucking easy and painless.
I stopped almost a year ago and never looked back. And believe me, I was a longtime heavy smoker.
Really strange... is this thread a near-duplicate of an old on?? or just really serious deja-vu??

My gf is looking to quit, but as it is, she goes outside to smoke, away from our son, the only other issue is, that her friends always ring her for a banter at night and as phone signal is terrible in our house, she has to go outside to ring them and so associates it with having a tab at the same time...

getting a new place soon so i'm hoping it helps resolve the issue for her cause she keeps trying but has been unsuccessful so far...

as said above... set some rules for yourself, not in certain places...

one thing i've seen work is if you buy a bag of pick'n'mix sweets, have one at the time you would normally have a smoke...
I was quitting the other week before my mate dragged me out on tour to tech for his band. Long days and long drives equals me smoking a pack of 25 a day. I normally smoked 2/week :(

reverse quit
When it's party time I smoke a pack through the evening. On a normal day I smoke around 4-5 daily. Don't see myself quitting soon, but I have to drop the heavy smoking at parties thing.
Read Allen Carr's first book. Be done with it. You don't need to know anything else. It's going to be fucking easy and painless.
I stopped almost a year ago and never looked back. And believe me, I was a longtime heavy smoker.

This. After 15 years of smoking, I've been 6 weeks without cigarettes come tomorrow. I have had no problems at all.

Reading the book is not all though, you have to understand it too.

I'd say quit on a Friday, I read nicotine withdrawl is pretty bad, and you don't want to be up all night in pain when there's work the next morning. I was lucky enough to quit when I realized I started having smoke cravings.


Nicotine withdrawal is equal to a little craving for some snack, nothing more. Everything else is demons that youself have created in your head.