New Years Resolutions 2011

2011 is for focus for me.

This. 2011 is a 4. (2+0+1+1 = 4)
The number of practicality, which has always been a sore point with me. Already this year I have found the ability to get many things done which I couldn't bring myself to do last year.
It'll be interesting to see how the rest of the year pans out.

I know many here are totally skeptical about numerology and such, but I felt it would be worth adding this point to the discussion :)
In a way we are in agreement and I guess I'm trying to say the same thing as you - it's not the fact it's New Years that makes me feel grateful for each day, it's how I feel each and every day as there was a time in 2004 when I was convinced I would not live to see my next birthday, let alone 6 more of them and counting.

My New Years jolt is the artificial boost to get me to start doing and stop thinking about music, I just listed the other as sort of getting everyday living out of the way since I try to do that each and every day. Lately, well longer than lately, I do a whole lot of creative thinking about music, but very little actual creation. It's been so bad the past month and a half (even with my brand new amp), I have not picked up my guitar despite thinking about playing daily. So - my resolution is to play not think.

I got up this morning and walked into my office/studio space and plugged in and proceeded to play "Auld Lang Syne" on my guitar loud enough to wake up my wife and the dogs - I did, I did not think :) Now to do it every day.

Don't get me wrong, I am in complete agreeance. There are of course, certain days that will give you more of a jolt to do such things than others, and that's beautiful :)

We have a similar goal too, I need to try and get a couple of bands on the go this year. Online collaboration is fun but I've once again forgotten how potent the energy between a few musicians blasting amps together and improvising in the same space can be. I feel it's about time I re-ignited that.
Bench press 300lbs (going to do it today and set the fucking bar)
Record an EP of my own music
Pay off some debts and be more organized with my money

I was going to say "Bench 350 this year", then I read your post!
..beat me to it.

What's your max out right now Adam?
I was going to say "Bench 350 this year", then I read your post!
..beat me to it.

What's your max out right now Adam?

Well as of about 20 minutes ago it is officially 300 now, haha... Slowest rep of my life but that's number one off of the list. That was really more of an "end of 2010" goal I guess!

This year I really want to get my 200lb military press (probably within a month or 2), 400lb squat and 500lb deadlift. Already pretty close on the squat, deadlift I am about 100lbs short though... I don't want to gain anymore weight (already put on 40lb since February, sitting at 205 right now, and not a lean 205 haha) so it'll be an uphill battle. I'd actually like to get my weight down to 185-190 but not if it means losing any muscle mass and strength. It's winter anyways, hah...

350 is a pretty sick bench man, good luck dude!
Holy shit Adam, how tall are you?

5'10 or 11-ish, pretty regular guy height! I'm a lot leaner than most 205lb guys my height but I'm no fitness model by any means, haha... I put a LOT of weight on in my legs though in the last year after finally getting my squat rack last February. I am probably around 20% bodyfat if that number means anything to you. Would like to get down to 10-12, so 20lbs to go. Could easily drop it with a simple diet change but the careless weight gain has really helped me get my numbers up so it's frightening to do any cutting, haha... I will probably clean up my diet and track it a little better, staying around 2500-3000 calories today but with cleaner foods and see what happens. It would be nice to stay at 205 just by putting on some extra muscle and shedding some fat, heh...
5'10 or 11-ish, pretty regular guy height! I'm a lot leaner than most 205lb guys my height but I'm no fitness model by any means, haha... I put a LOT of weight on in my legs though in the last year after finally getting my squat rack last February. I am probably around 20% bodyfat if that number means anything to you. Would like to get down to 10-12, so 20lbs to go. Could easily drop it with a simple diet change but the careless weight gain has really helped me get my numbers up so it's frightening to do any cutting, haha... I will probably clean up my diet and track it a little better, staying around 2500-3000 calories today but with cleaner foods and see what happens. It would be nice to stay at 205 just by putting on some extra muscle and shedding some fat, heh...

Dude.. We have the same exact dimensions! haha

I was actually 20% body fat as well, but I too went on a more healthy diet and that brought me down to 12%. Now I weight 208 and am 5'11".

I got 350 a few months ago, but I've not benched for a while.. Just have been hitting P90x and doing a ton of yoga.
My resolution is to be happy most of the time, life is to short to be upset.
Good luck guru i know you can quit that disgusting habit that smoking is, i quit by accident, i was sick so i couldnt smore for a week and thats it , no more cigarretes for me.