New Years Resolutions 2011


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Hit us up ....

Mine - Quit smoking. I got a head start about a month ago and moved to an e-cig. All the nicotine none of the carcinogens! Eventually I will ween myself off of these but its a great start. haven't smoked a real cig in a month. Vocally I am 1000x better already, and I can breathe again!

For those of you interested in e-cigs and quitting smoking check out

I am using:

The basic package will last about 2 - 3 weeks. Depending on how much you smoke, and the atomizers will last about a month. So that all being said I have went from spending $200 a month on cigarettes to $75 a month on fluids and atomizers!

Win Win situation!
Put on some mass, would aim to get to between 10 & 10.5 stone :Spin:

+ get more Stymphalian stuff down for the album :kickass: Along with more production works :tickled:
Mine - Quit smoking. I got a head start about a month ago and moved to an e-cig. All the nicotine none of the carcinogens! Eventually I will ween myself off of these but its a great start. haven't smoked a real cig in a month. Vocally I am 1000x better already, and I can breathe again!

The thing that seemed to do the trick for me was dropping the whole "I CANNOT SMOKE. IF I FAIL I'M A LOSER AND I HATE MYSELF." attitude. I tried that several times and it just didn't work for me. Now it's been about five months and I only smoke when I'm getting drunk (about once a month) or on a special occasion if I REALLY feel like a having a smoke. I don't feel bad at all, and I don't even want to smoke on a regular day. I don't miss the morning smoke or the meal cigarette at all. I went from 20-30 a day to only smoking when I'm going out and such and it's great. I was surprised to find out how much the total denial mindset was pulling me back. I just told myself "Hey, I can smoke whenever I want to, I just don't need to smoke all the time" and I think I've gone through three packs tops during the five months. I'm sure eventually it'll turn into not smoking at all if I just give it time and don't force myself into anything.

EDIT: Oh, I really don't recommend the same approach to anyone. If you can stop smoking alltogether that's a lot better. It's just what seemed to do the trick for me. And no, I don't say I smoke, I can say I smoke every now and then if I feel like it and surprisingly I don't even feel ashamed for it :)
Make my wife love me again and earn some money. 2010 was a year I felt myself like half a man, so if I achieve this again, my man-hood will be back.
Just another day/year . . . Got some e-cigs a few months back, they found a nice home in the closet. Just doesn't do it for me. I think cold turkey is the only way I can quit, that's what it took the previous 3 times. Staying off them for more than a couple years is my problem. :(
tidy my house more often
s'about it

cant say i believe in new years resolutions much, any changes that get made in my life get made whether i like it or not, im just along for the ride. keeping the place tidier is most definitely a noble endeavour though
I don't really believe in resolutions.
I hope 2011 sees me making some decent music and hopefully being on the road a lot more to see all my friends (although there aren't that many) that live around the world.
I'd also like to gain 10 lbs this year...might not happen but fuck it.
I'd also like to not hate myself as much haha. POSITIVE SELF IMAGE FTW.
... gain?
look at the size of you, then look at the size of me?
donate me some muscle, y'greedy shit! :D
1920 x 1080

Fuck that dude. I'm like a republican when it comes to mass gain. NO MUSCLE SOCIALISM FOR THIS GUY.

Come to Melbourne and give me some training tips sweet babycheeks.
I started as a super weak skinny fat guy who could only deadlift 20Kgs (44 pounds) when I started six months ago, but on monday I pulled a 120Kgs (264 pound) deadlift.
But I've got that issues that pretty much all skinny fatsters with long limbs relative to their body size have, which is I started benching 15Kgs (seriously) and I pretty much keep plateauing :(
I haven't benched in weeks, but I'm hoping now that I've been doing that parallel dips and diamond hand width elevated feet pushups, that my triceps might be stronger.