New Years Resolutions?

There's a whole lot of resolutions I'd want to make, but I've grown fond of the phrase "You can't lose if you don't try".

(I'm pretty sure reverse psychology doesn't work when you use it on yourself, and I'm pretty sure I can still see this even though I've put it in brackets. The hope is that I might try if I try not to try.)
Well I don't make resolutions, but I do make GOALS, which may or may not coincide as being contained within the time occupied by a year.

Within the next year, I expect to:

Continue getting fit and strong and to lose my gut.
Get my brown belt
Get regular gigs with at least one band, and get some studio work (playing drums, any takers?)
Get my speed up to 240 with singles and doubles with my hands and feet

None of these are resolutions, they're decisions I make throughout any course of time.

New Years Resolutions are made by people who already lack the willpower to fix the problems in their lives anyway.