New Year Resolutions


Apr 13, 2002
Inspire me with your resolutions for the new year. Mine:

- Wake up earlier on workdays in order to get to the office before 9 (which I should have been doing all along, but really overlooked in the past 4 months).

- Get my PhD in february.

- Get one paper published on a mid-range scientific journal.

- Get a "revise and resubmit" instead of a "fuck off and die" from a top-notch scientific journal for another paper.

- Win the European Economic Association's "Young Economist Award" this summer.

- Visit Dubai in february and do some mad shopping without feeling extremely guilty.

- Lose more weight and reach 56 kg (pre curry-and-beer diet). I am down from 70 to 63, but there's still work to be done.

- Improve style and looks.

- Overcome spleen, go out more and meet new people.

- Manage to get funding in order to spend one month in NYC in the summer.

- See Eminem live.

There's a few more aspirations (smoke less, find life partner etc) but they're not as fundamental at the moment.

Ah, and wash the mountain of dishes currently crowding my sink.
short term:

-wash clothes
-prepare the silly drawings that must be ready the 10th

long term:

-study well
-organize all the stuff i have on my pc
-be less silly
-care less and less about some stuff
-hit my head against the wall at least 13 times repeating calmly "no, no, no" whenever i happen to think "oh, this guy is interesting"
No resolutions for me either. I know myself, i know it wouldn't work, so i'm one step ahead.
some things I wanna try this time:

-to be a better human being
-to be creative and evolve my character
-to write more lyrics and texts
-to find athe love of my life(or trying to integrate love and interesting and worth emotions into my existence)
-to be able to study in september(amd quit my fucking boring job,I hope they will not fire me in the next weeks)
-more listening to DT
-more listening to Solefald
-to buy Character in january
-waste less time with my computer
-study more
-read more

Also, it would help if I made a good choice with my new major. Basically I think Im on a good road though. We'll see what 2005 brings soon enough..
As long as 2005 doesnt resemble 2004 in any way then i'll be pleased. Main aim is to get at least one album, and preferably 2 or 3, completed and released.
I resolve to get actually make something of the band I'm in.

So much potential involved so little of it me.

This must change. Rah.
- regularly go to the gym

- keep focused on my university program

- leave this country

- stop going out on week-ends, except with 2-3 people i already know well enough

- only spend my money on books / neat technology
1. Start working out regularly, after a 6 month intermission.

2. Read more, and then I mean more fiction, not school stuff and comic books.

3. Start attending the lectures about foreign policy given by a society at the uni.

4. Go to more gigs.

5. Get a girlfriend.
Actually, pretty soon after I graduated I started compiling a list of things I should do in order to make myself more satisfied with my life. The list is rather long and includes a wide variety of things ranging from obvious things (get a full-time job, get an own apartment) to some long-term goals (improve my physical condition - I've felt way too sickly and weak lately) all the way to some relatively trivial things (organize my anime/manga-collection). I'm yet to take care of the majority of those things I listed, but I have plenty of time now.

However, by the New Year's Eve I realized I had forgotten one thing from my list: I have an annoying habit of spitting all the time (and I really mean all the time) when I'm outside - thus my resolution was to quit on this disgusting habit.

- to buy character (not that it needs any resolutions)
- to buy all the DT albums I don't own
- to listen to DT extensively
- to see DT live again
- to graduate from secondary school (there's no better translation, but anyway...)
- to get a studying place at a university/an academy in department of chemistry/physics

Well, I'm not the person for new year's resolutions. The way I see it, if I want to make an improvement in my life then an arbitrary date on our particular calendar isn't going to make me more likely to achieve it. Putting that aside, my main general resolution is getting a damn job sometime soon.
rahvin said:
- keep focused on my university program

- leave this country
so are you planning to transfer to an overseas university to complete it? i want to hear all about it :hotjump:

oh, and about this:

- only spend my money on books / neat technology
you forgot the part about buying your friends expensive dinners whenever possible. :p
Rusty said:
Well, I'm not the person for new year's resolutions. The way I see it, if I want to make an improvement in my life then an arbitrary date on our particular calendar isn't going to make me more likely to achieve it.
again... #2