2013 New Year's Resolutions

Take off the 15 pounds I gained after losing it about 18 months ago.
I might give up alcohol since I'm starting to get out of control again when I drink
1. Continue with my smoking cessation (I picked the worst possible time to try and quit and I've been holding steady thus far)
2. Buy an instrument and begin learning to play it
3. Give my effort more in school - my grades are good, but I should be doing better and by giving actual effort I'll prepare myself for beyond community college
I didn't post any resolutions, but I did get enough classes to quit my job at the grocery store, so I consider 2013 a success in the employment field
2013 was a pretty successful year for me. I fulfilled my last year's resolution, joined my CCs honors society, got my first 4.0, joined Phi Theta Kappa, improved my writing drastically, found and lost love and got over it, danced between jobs for a 25% raise, and became a history tutor for my CC. I'm due to transfer to a university in 2014 and the year is looking good.
Well, I failed to lose any weight, but I did get laid so...

1) Lose some fucking weight. Stop being a fat fuck.
2) Get some shit done with Olórin
3) Bang some more greasy whores
4) Continue receiving successful grades
2012 was a really good year. I got in shape, quit smoking, finally started managing my money like a responsible person (kind of), made a ton of new friends, moved out of my parents' house, got a full-time job with benefits, and got some new stamps on my passport.

So I guess I'd like 2013 to continue the positivity of 2012. I'm taking over accounting/bookkeeping at my job this year, so I need to cut down on the greenery or I'll never remember anything.

I didn't make any resolutions but I did injure myself in the weight room, start taking more drugs than I'd like to in 2014, and have been abysmally terrible at keeping in touch with people for various reasons. I also got closer with some awesome new people locally, helped PP manage his stress better, and went on a couple vacations. I am still in shape and not smoking, not in debt, and I got a raise at work. I also became a cat owner!

So in 2014 I'd like to be a better friend, not do so many drugs (it isn't that much but I've done drugs for the sake of doing them rather than anything meaningful or fun, and sometimes unsafely), do more outdoor activities, and seek out a therapist maybe just for someone to talk to. Also desperately need to put more into my retirement accounts and save more.

I also think I'm going to focus more on positivity and not being cynical about everything. Accepting that a good portion of my surroundings and various societal and cultural things are fat to be trimmed has been nice. Now it's time to focus more on tangible paths to happiness and helping others.
^ really? Anytime people do that here they are either homeless or crazy.

My new year resolution is to save money to move.
Continue to explore other artistic expressions but at the same time cultivate what I'm already familiar with. I've been wanting to take Afro-carribean dance for the longest. And pick up tap dancing again.
Become inspired more often.
Work out more -- or just simply do more yoga. Since working out is annoying to me.
Work towards opening a theatre that fits my interests.
-Get a full time teaching job come September
-Help my current students raise their grades by the end of the year
-Keep my workout regime solid even with increasing school and work pressures
-Finish a rough draft of my novel
-Step up my game with the ladies. This year sucked, but during the first half of it I was adjusting to being single after a 5.5 year relationship while broke without a car, so I'm giving myself a bit of a mulligan.
-More time in nature. Another one that I whiffed on last year, but now that I have a car, this is more doable.
Well I stopped caring about my ex (in a relationship sense anyways), and Im somewhat better at guitar. So my new years resolution for this year remains to find a decent job.

Also post 6,666 faggots holla at the 420 ganja swag with the what holla holla get dolla yeah