2013 New Year's Resolutions

King Richard

Hello there
Mar 23, 2006
Wouldn't you like to know
Let's keep this thread active all year and really push each other and hold each other accountable for what they say. Motivation is the key to accomplishing goals, and motivation/pressure from your peers is a good thing to keep you on track. Also, each month I expect a short update on the status of your resolutions. Don't be a bitch, figure out how to fit it into your schedule, this will also work as motivation as well. So spill it. Stay realistic but at the same time make them challenging.

Let's. Fucking. Do. This.

1) Work out more (and hopefully not get injured anymore in the process either, fuck you ribs). Goal by the end of the year: 170 lbs.

2) Take up a martial art, FINALLY, FOR ONCE. Which? Not sure yet, I may just try different ones to see which I really like. The choices are between BJJ, boxing, or Muay Thai. Probably in that order.

3) Have more fun and meet/bang more girls than I did in 2012. Beating three shouldn't be that hard (I hope).

4) Make as much money as possible and get COMPLETELY out of debt.

5) Finish some of my little projects that I've either forgotten to do or neglected.

6) Read more books. I read a lot as it is, but books are something I want to concentrate more on.

7) Exercise my third eye more. Psychedelics bitch.

8) Create a collection of music.




And because Arnold always speaks to me.
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1) Get a half-decent job, rather than the part-time housework for various people I've been doing.

2) Stop caring about my ex and move on

3) Get better at guitar
I've already promised myself never to make any more New Year's resolutions. If you're not man/woman enough to stick to the resolutions you make at any other given date of the year, what makes you think you'll stick to them just because it's New Years Eve?
Become a happier person
Improve my self esteem and self confidence
Learn a new language (or relearn Spanish)
Read more
Take Exam P (or at least get close to being able to take it). I have been slacking for the past two months with this shit and it's time to get back on track. It will definitely help me get my mind off things
Get down to 200 pounds
Buy a new car
I've already promised myself never to make any more New Year's resolutions. If you're not man/woman enough to stick to the resolutions you make at any other given date of the year, what makes you think you'll stick to them just because it's New Years Eve?

What's the point of living without goals and ideals?
What's the point of living without goals and ideals?
Everyone has, and more importantly, needs goals and ideals. Living up to them however, takes a certain degree of moral strength, will and hard work.

I promise myself things all year, and mostly live up to my promises. I don't have to promise a shitload of things on one particular day of the year, I spread it out, making it easier to remember what I've promised myself :)
2012 was a really good year. I got in shape, quit smoking, finally started managing my money like a responsible person (kind of), made a ton of new friends, moved out of my parents' house, got a full-time job with benefits, and got some new stamps on my passport.

So I guess I'd like 2013 to continue the positivity of 2012. I'm taking over accounting/bookkeeping at my job this year, so I need to cut down on the greenery or I'll never remember anything.
Finally slap the debt accumulated during my period of divorce with the ex-wife in the face and lay the foundations for a fruitful financial future.
1) get into an apartment instead of living in hotels

2) look good naked

3) use a tanning bed at least once

4) going to all the Dallas Area anime/sci-fi/superhero cons

5) getting a girlfriend that's actually sane (getting a totally batshit girlfriend is really easy for some weird-ass reason)

6) buy a car
I'm really not into making hollow promises to myself but half way through last year I got a better job and my life started to look up in general. It's time to get a new vehicle and move out of the parents house and I think 2013 is the year.
Last year I wanted to lose a few pounds, read more books, and stop watching TV after 10:30 at night.

I didn't lose weight, but didn't gain any either. I definitely read more books. I was hoping cutting off TV would help me go to bed earlier, but I'm pretty much always going to be a night owl.

So the lesson I learned is that I won't be able to achieve a difficult goal, but if I pick something easy, I can do it.
1. Get back in shape
2. Get a bicycle and ride it
3. Make an earnest attempt at completing college
4. Stop blowing off my friends and stop being such a hermit
5. Go to Colorado for a "weed holiday" if they ever sort out that whole regulation of pot bit.