2013 New Year's Resolutions

There's a lot of


ITT. tbh
This Cracked article belongs here

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person


2013, motherfuckers. Yeah! LET'S DO THIS.


I want you to try something: Name five impressive things about yourself. Write them down or just shout them out loud to the room. But here's the catch -- you're not allowed to list anything you are (i.e., I'm a nice guy, I'm honest), but instead can only list things that you do (i.e., I just won a national chess tournament, I make the best chili in Massachusetts).

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That article sucks, and pretty lame if anyone really needs that to get inspired, or feel the need to share that to inspire others.
That article was so horribly written and full of tangents that I couldn't read past step two. Seemed unintelligent and lacking in insight from the bits I did read.

2013 goals:

-keep improving at swimming and weights. Already made a massive jump in this over the last six months and want to keep it going.
-either get into a teaching program and get a 4.0 and kick ass, or if that doesn't happen, get a better job.
-do more hallucinogenics
-spend more time in nature
-do more hallucinogenics in nature
-finally get a car
-more romance/ figure out what I want/ don't want in a woman.
-write more fiction and poetry
-make sure the people I spend time with are also working toward building deeper, more meaningful relationships with me and that I am doing the same.
Yeah, I need to lose weight. Ever since high school ended I've been around 235 pounds. I've always been like 220+ pounds, so I'm going to make my goal 220 to start with. I'm going to stop drinking soda including diet soda, and start running. I might take advantage of my University's swimming pool and swim to lose weight.
Alright folks, time to live up to what you did and did not accomplish this year.

2013 goals:

-keep improving at swimming and weights. Already made a massive jump in this over the last six months and want to keep it going.
-either get into a teaching program and get a 4.0 and kick ass, or if that doesn't happen, get a better job.
-do more hallucinogenics
-spend more time in nature
-do more hallucinogenics in nature
-finally get a car
-more romance/ figure out what I want/ don't want in a woman.
-write more fiction and poetry
-make sure the people I spend time with are also working toward building deeper, more meaningful relationships with me and that I am doing the same.

-gotten better with both my lifting and swimming, though I've slowed down since starting my teaching credential program. Also started yoga which is rad!
-got into a great teaching credential program. Have like a 3.9, close enough...
-Did some hallucinogenics but not a lot. But I also realized I only need to do them once or twice a year to get what I want.
-Spent very little time in nature. Something to work on in 2014.
-Got a car!
-Very little romance, though I do have more targets at the moment then I had at any point last year, so hopefully 2014 will be better.
-Halfway through my first novel!
-Have very few filler friends and basically no negative energies in my life.

So on the whole I accomplished all of my goals except 2. Not bad.
I didn't post my goals, but so far I've accomplished most. My only goals I did not hit were fitness related, and that's due to injury (although I am still ahead of where I was, so it wasn't a "total loss").

Maintain 4.0
Transferred to Uni
Paid off pickup
Lose inches off waist
Move closer to school
Remove negative influences
My resolution for 2013 was to foster more meaningful friendships. I can proudly say that was a success. Also, I'd resolved to stay on top of the dating game, and that was also a success. Vowed not to drop any classes as well, success.

Not a bad year, although unemployment and bad relationships kinda kicked my ass, so my New Year's Resolution will be to keep my job and relationship going the whole year.
Since I am going to graduate in May, I need to do the following:

1. Find a full time job and/or go active duty as an officer, preferably moving away in the process.
2. Continue making strength gains
3. Cut out fast food and figure out a diet plan I can stick with
4. Stop drinking soda
5. Stop loving the two women in my life that I can't have and move on.
-Lose some fucking weight. Ideally I'd like to go back to being 145 lbs. with a single-digit body-fat percentage instead of being a flabby fuck. This one is already in progress.

-Stop drinking so much. I was a non-functioning alcoholic during the fall and have curbed it quite a bit since then, but it still needs to go down.

-Sort school shit out. 2013 fucked me in a number of ways, and I haven't been in school for a year as a result.

-Manage my depression. Again, it reached its pinnacle in the fall when I almost killed myself, and I've been doing a lot better, but it would be nice to feel good about getting out of bed again at some point.

-Write more.

2013 was far and away the worst year of my life thus far. Good fucking riddance.