ever play in florida?

Iced Demon

New Metal Member
Sep 15, 2002
Daytona/Orlando, FL
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do you gals ever play in florida? seems like i'm going to miss iron maiden on their U.S. tour since they aren't even coming close to the southeast and you guys, err gals, are damn good! i was very impressed with the mp3s on your site...i'd love to see you in concert sometime...if you can, come to daytona, please!!!
Bruce Chickinson said:
Nikko McBrain...he lives there ya know...Imagine running into him at the grocery store.

About a year ago I saw Linda at a grocery store, but I don't think she saw me. Back then she might not have recognized me anyway.
Jeff Milne said:
About a year ago I saw Linda at a grocery store, but I don't think she saw me. Back then she might not have recognized me anyway.

:erk: DOH! Hey, I wasn't in the creamed corn section was I? I gotta pay more attention to my surroundings sometimes! Ya never know who you might miss!!!