Ever run in to someone you haven't seen in years, only to come to find that ...

Trylakos said:
one time there was this kid in grade 6 and he moved , and he came back last year (Grade 10) and I was all like "hey, didn't you have a rabbit?" and he was like "yes man" to which I replied "cool." story of my life, unfortunately.

This is definitely your best WTF post yet.
One of my old friends that I've known for 10 years came out of the closet a couple of years ago, after we'd lost contact for a while. Now I just talk to him on the bus to school sometimes.
Trylakos said:
one time there was this kid in grade 6 and he moved , and he came back last year (Grade 10) and I was all like "hey, didn't you have a rabbit?" and he was like "yes man" to which I replied "cool." story of my life, unfortunately.

don't try so hard
When I went off to bording school all the douchebags I literally used to have fist fights with weekly all of a sudden where 'TULLLLLLY!!!!!! WHAT'S UP!!!' when I would come back on breaks. Gay.
Also people all over the place know who I am and I have no idea who they are so I have to pretend, haha.