Evergrey Cover

Very nice guitar sound. I don't actually bother with mastering myself, I've only posted a couple of things over at Smyth's forum and that was to test out the transformerless 57; just recorded, put it through C4, and that was it.

What plugins did you use for that?

great tone indeed, i just miss some low end, the fatness, maybe tweaking with the bass will help on that..
Tornio, I'm using 11's and palm muting heavily, might be the low action. I'll have a go at re-recording them tomorrow. Zolhof, what area are you talking about, what frequencies?
TS-9 into Krank Distortus Maximus into Peavey Classic 50/50 Poweramp. Direct out into Delta 10/10LT using I think it was all Kazrog's Impulses, but might have been a mix of both his and the 5150 combo ones that someone put up (Keregioz maybe? sorry I can't remember who it was!), The snare was 50% Pearl 2 from DFHS and 50% Andy's Samples.

Edit: Just checked, the impulses were two tracks of the Mesa panned 100% L/R and two tracks of the 5150 panned 80% L/R.
Ah I just learned this song last week... It's a great song and you did a fine job on the cover...

I've always liked Evergrey, but there are something about their records that make them sound so demo-ish... I don't know what it is...
I've always liked their sound on their albums, the latest one sounds like a demo to me, and the song writing has gone down hill dramatically. A lot of people don't seem to get them as a band, it's like they're prog, but they're heavier than a lot of prog bands. I guess they're loosing that prog sound as they move on. Like the last album compared to the solitude album.
I don't know if they're heavier (read: Dream Theater) but they do have an entirely different sound, which is what true prog should be about - as opposed to copying King Crimson/Yes/Genesis/Rush/et cetera, which too much of the 'prog scene' is - and I haven't been able to figure out why there are so many people on the other side of them. Agree with the new album sounding a bit off and the writing being subpar, some cool songs are on there but the doofi at the helm seem to have just slaughtered them.
