Evergrey - In Search of Truth


Heat in 7
Apr 17, 2001
Southern California
Inside Out Music America - 2001

By Rodrigo

I never really cared much for Evergrey. Their first two releases were nothing really special to talk about and I could not really understand why they were gathering such an intense following. I was also quite surprised that this past summer it was announced that they were signed to Inside Out Music America and that their latest release In Search of Truth would become their first album distributed in the United States. In my opinion there surely had to be a band more deserving of a US deal than Evergrey. Well, after extensively listening to In Search of Truth I can say that third time is the charm because this album is one excellent release.

Everything about the band just has improved dramatically. The songwriting is more focused and straightforward. The gruff yet soft singing of Tom Englund gives him a unique voice in metal. The guitar playing by Tom and Henrik Danhage is superb. There are excellent melodies and guitar solos all over the place. But I think the biggest improvement of Evergrey and what makes the album so great is the keyboards of Sven Karlsson.

Sven is truly the star in this release. His playing is controlled and not flashy but he fits perfectly with the dark atmosphere of the band. He also isn’t just a backdrop addition to the music. At many times the keyboards are front and center and driving the songs. I couldn‘t imagine not hearing keyboards in "Watching the Skies" because they are such an integral part of the sound. Listen to the part starting at 4:04 and tell me you don‘t think that keyboards belong in metal. "Rulers of the Mind" showcases how varied and distinct Sven’s sound is and once again how strongly it enhances the song. The playing varies from fast and driving in the beginning to the soft middle part and when the other instruments jump in at the 3:50 point you know that this album is something special.

In Search of Truth is filled with those type of moments in all the songs. In "Dark Waters" I simply love the part when the choir comes in at 1:14 and the guitar riffs that precede it and at the duration of this part are simply very cool. "The Encounter" starts off with a tempo more fit for bands like Pain of Salvation but it fits so flawlessly. Plus right before the last verse there is an awesome fast keyboard solo from Sven. "The Masterplan" has some excellent guitar work and an extremely catchy chorus.

Even the two soft ballad songs "State of Paralysis" and "Different Worlds" are excellent. The pace of the album is not lost at all by having these two songs. They really work as points of reflection to the concept of the album which to me is an another awesome aspect to the album. In Search of Truth is a concept album on alien abductions. Being a huge "The X-Files" fan this is the sort of story that gets me hooked.

Evergrey have reached the point where they must be counted as one of the big players of dark progressive power metal. I now consider myself a fan and look forward to what the future will bring for Evergrey.

Inside Out Music America Website
Evergrey Official Website
I though i loved the first one, The Dark Discovery, but then they released the second one, Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy, and I realized that, THAT's the one I love.... but then they strike again with In Search of Truth and I love yet another album... These guys rule!!! They cant be compared to the power-metal genre, as they are totally different, they play in their own division! It's not music, it's a feeling!!
this progressive release is nothing exceptional the tracks are stale and lifeless i really hope they go away the vocals are a joke begone with you!