Evergrey - In Search of Truth


Mar 21, 2010
New York
First off, this album is just so fucking awesome musically; really varied, and so many awesome riffs, licks, and solos. Also, however, I freakin' love that guitar tone; anyone have any info on it? I almost wanna guess it was a Marshall cab with T75's cuz of the sorta hollowness, but not to the degree I usually associate with T75 tones (e.g. Deliverance, Dead Heart), and it doesn't really have the T75 grain/grit. Amp I'm guessing was a 5150 or Triaxis (I remember seeing a bit back that they were big fans of it), but I think most of what I hear in the tone is coming from the cab honestly - or maybe I'm totally off the mark! Anyone have any info?
I think they used 5150 Triaxis at that time with G-major for effects. Listening to it now the drums sounds quite natural except the kick

And the 3 first songs on that album is so great :D
Waking up blind is awesome too....great songwriting on this album.
I have the dvd and there is a studio touring...the live rig on the old website said "5150, triaxis and marshall cab" but in studio they used 5150 and Marshall
Haha Marcus :) I thought about open a thread about the same theme recently. The lead guitar sound on this record is my absolute fave one of all. So big +10000 to your questions about the gear.
amazing band indeed love the production!......dont want to go off topic any thoughts on what type of reverb was used on the guitars?
In fact, 5150 + Marshall 1960 cab.
This album is really fantastic...unfortunately since this one they didn't produce another album of this quality

Wasn't it Andy Laroche who mixed and produced it?? One of the best melodic metal album ever!!

I'm 99% sure it was a 5150 and 100% sure they worked with Laroche on it.
If you watch the DVD extras they have footage from the studio of all their albums.

I love this album. Favorite of all time for me. It blew me away the first time I heard it.
what a coincidence it's one of my favourite albums and i was just listening to it right now and its been a looong time i havent.

I always thought it was TA+5150 but i never was sure so 5150+marshall say you? well cool definitely works for their style.
Great album. The riffs have so much personality. Modern riffs need more wide vibrato.

Also, I like the character of the guitar sound, but it impacts the mix in a negative way. It's too muddy, especially at the crossover point between itself and the bass guitar. That could just be poor mixing though. There is something off about the 250 to 400hz area. Like the sound someone makes when trying to get something out of their throat.
I've read that In Search of Truth was recorded with a Triaxis into a Peavey Classic 50/50 poweramp. Makes sense to me, those leads sound way too good to be a 5150!
EDIT: Fuck I am tired, here I call myself a hardcore evergrey fan and I can't get their albums straight!

-They primarily used 5150s for most of their albums, except recreation day, which they had the Randall endorsement and used Warheads. They blend things here and there for many of their albums, including the Triaxis and 50/50 combo, and even POD X3 for many of Henrik's solos on MMA and Torn.
-Live their amps of choice where 5150 and Triaxis through a peavey 50/50 poweramp, and of course the G-Major

Cabinets have been sort of up in the air. The only references to what they used, Tom referred to was M-U-G with Vintage 30s, separating the letters of the name rather than saying the word mug. I do recall on the DVD that the cabinets in the guitar room and practice space, and they sure as hell didn't look like Marshall cabinets in terms of baffling and tolex. From the get go I think they where trolling, because we know what mug cabinets are, and a search lends you to nothing of guitar cabinets, so I say that they are huge trolls in that sense, but then again, those cabinets look like nothing I have seen before, and do not even have logos on them, perhaps they where custom made.

Nobody outside their circle knows what they are really using, unless there where photos of their live rigs, or studio setups that where leaked, we are at the mercy of what they say, and as far as I know, no one has come forth to which cabinets they used with actual proof. If they did use Marshall 1960 cabinets, it was for the albums that they did with Leroche as they would have been his, but that is merely speculation.

I am off to check out the DVD again to see what cabinets they where using, seeing if I can size out what it is at least for the ISOT album.
I'm willing to eat my shoe if that's NOT a triaxis on that album. It's so dry and crunchy, it has to be of Mark series lineage
I'm willing to eat my shoe if that's NOT a triaxis on that album. It's so dry and crunchy, it has to be of Mark series lineage

Yeah but it's got way too much attack for a Triaxis I reckon. All the Triaxis tones I've worked with have been quite hairy/wet, where as this is incredibly focused and, dare I use the word - "djenty".

I'm putting my money on 5150 too, especially after the info given by TheWinterSnow (thanks for that!)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Torn recorded with an Engl (not sure which, I think Invader?) but with the preamp sent out to a 5150's power amp, to make one mega uber amp? It would make sense of that being true, since you can quite clearly see an Engl stacked ontop of a 5150 in their studio diary video.

But now you guys mention it, there is no cab in sight in the ENTIRE hour or so of that video, and it's only just dawned on me that they hide what cabs they use :lol:
^^^ I guess, I'm probably wrong, just going by my ear and guessing really. but hey, if that;s the tone they wanted then it would have definitely been easier to get the ball park with a triaxis. I'm stunned it's a 5150 given the overall tone. Mabe that lowend build up gives it away a bit too. That resonance
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Torn recorded with an Engl (not sure which, I think Invader?) but with the preamp sent out to a 5150's power amp, to make one mega uber amp? It would make sense of that being true, since you can quite clearly see an Engl stacked ontop of a 5150 in their studio diary video.

But now you guys mention it, there is no cab in sight in the ENTIRE hour or so of that video, and it's only just dawned on me that they hide what cabs they use :lol:

Torn was a 5150 preamp ran into the power amp of a Savage, basically getting the tone of a 5150 if it had KT88, the grind and crunch of a 5150 with the beefieness and crunch of KT88s, that is why that albums tone absolutely crushed.

I jsut watched some of the DVD again, and like I thought before, Tom does talk about the cabs and even shows his (his is the only one that has the grill on it). All he says is M-U-G with vintage 30s, it looks a hell of a lot like a Fender mixed with Marshall.
Godammit people, it's LaRocque, not Laroche/Leroche :yell::lol: And I've never used a Triaxis before, but everything I've heard of their rhythm tones (mainly Dream Theater) has never been able to sound this full; they always seemed kinda harsh and thin to me. And FTR, I'm really not a fan of the rhythm tone on Recreation Day (and the whole album sounds harshly compressed to me)