everybody's help would be muchly appreciated

sash poask

Mar 24, 2008
hey guys,

now i know im preety new here as far as post count goes, but i been on tis forum almost dail y for over a year now, just didnt have anything useful to say.

anyway, i am just finishing my degree in business and management (yes i know http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/images/smilies/pukeface.gif )

so i am in the process of doing (finishing) my dissertation, to make it remotely interesting im doing it on how the introduction of legal music downloads has affected consumers purchasing decisions towards different mediums of music (i.e CD's)

so i need to do a questionnaire to get peoples views on this, i thought here would be a great place to get opinions of people from different countries....
would any of you be able to spare 5 minutes to do this?

if so i would post it maybe tomorrow and everyone can just answer ina reply to the post?

if not...no hard feelings, love this forum, and will hopefully soon have more things to say :)

Spelling correction based on grammatical principles - the words have the same essential meaning, just get used at different times depending on context! :lol:

nitpicking about nitpicking is called shitpicking. :kickass:
hey guys, took me a bit longer than i thought to get round to doing this....you guys are getting the very first draft of it....written at 3 am some some questions probably wont make sense...please point it out :) all the questions are closed so simple yes or no would enough, thanks guys would really appreciate this.....here goes....

Dissertation questionnaire
1) Age group?
2 )Gender

3)Have you ever legally downloaded music?

4)Will you use this service in the future/ continue using it?

5)Do you think you will continue purchasing CD’s in the next five years?

6) Do you think you will continue purchasing CD’s in the next ten years?

7)Is it important for you to own a physical product of your music purchases?

8) Is price a deciding factor when choosing the medium of music?

9) Is the immediacy of delivery an important factor when choosing the medium of music?

10)Do you believe that music downloads will ultimately make CD’s redundant in the near future?
1) Age group? 18-21

2) Gender: Male

3) Have you ever legally downloaded music? Yes.

4) Will you use this service in the future/ continue using it? Yes.

5) Do you think you will continue purchasing CD’s in the next five years? Yes.

6) Do you think you will continue purchasing CD’s in the next ten years? Yes.

7) Is it important for you to own a physical product of your music purchases? No.

8) Is price a deciding factor when choosing the medium of music? Yes.

9) Is the immediacy of delivery an important factor when choosing the medium of music? Yes.

10) Do you believe that music downloads will ultimately make CD’s redundant in the near future? No.