everytime he dies

holy crap, some of you guys are noob central, still telling me how to do this shit.


this was the first thread i ever started.
bobvex said:
how does alexi do that thing with his guitar at about 00:16-17 on Everytime i die. i am dying to know how. i want to use it some of my own songs

I want Alexi to write a song "everytime i dive" where he sings about whammy dives and creates a song soley with the whammy bar.
GhostOfPerdition said:
Alexi just sucks at guitar other than on albums. He needs to practice or stop getting drunk before shows / public playing.

There was an interview in guitar world saying that he would rather be crazy on stage than play a solo correctly. He also gave Dream Theater shit for playing every thing correctly and not being crazy on stage. He fucked up every solo at the santa ana show.:erk:
GhostOfPerdition said:
Alexi just sucks at guitar other than on albums. He needs to practice or stop getting drunk before shows / public playing.

you are retarded.
GhostOfPerdition said:
Alexi just sucks at guitar other than on albums. He needs to practice or stop getting drunk before shows / public playing.

Dude you listen to a performance of Vai or Petrucci if you want virtuosity and perfection. You listen to Bodom if you want to headbang and also get a kick ass melodic solo (which is not meant to be played perfectly)

So get your notes straight man.
Thanatopsis said:



"That name no longer has any meaning for me."