"everytime i die" video ..


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2004
hey ..can anyone temme some site where i can download the "everytime i die" vid ?? ...
hey .. thanks for the link ..but i'm d/l from my college and like they don allow downloads of mpg files.. i would appreciate it if someone could pls zip it up and put it up...
@Havoc, how old are you? Are you to lazy or to stupid to use kazaa/eMule another download program. Bah I'm getting tired of reading threads like this, it makes this forum start to suck. Fuckin' Childrens forum. "hey I don't know what rhoads to buy, please help me?" "what pickups does alexi laiho use?" "where can I download the most common Bodom video everytime I die" etc. :loco: :zzz:
\m/Jason\m/ said:
@Havoc, how old are you? Are you to lazy or to stupid to use kazaa/eMule another download program. Bah I'm getting tired of reading threads like this, it makes this forum start to suck. Fuckin' Childrens forum. "hey I don't know what rhoads to buy, please help me?" "what pickups does alexi laiho use?" "where can I download the most common Bodom video everytime I die" etc. :loco: :zzz:

well i'll be damned. i thought one of the purposes of a forum was to ask questions :err:
I think it's very crap...the reaper costume is too small, and the blood on Alexi's eye-bandage (if that's what it's supposed to be) just doesn't fit in properly, it's not placed well on the eyes or something else; anyway, there's SOMETHING fishy about it. Actually I think all of their video's are pretty bad, kinda amateuristic except for the sixpounder video, that's kinda cool and definitely their best. This is but my $0.02, of course.
Heavenscent said:
I think it's very crap...the reaper costume is too small, and the blood on Alexi's eye-bandage (if that's what it's supposed to be) just doesn't fit in properly, it's not placed well on the eyes or something else; anyway, there's SOMETHING fishy about it. Actually I think all of their video's are pretty bad, kinda amateuristic except for the sixpounder video, that's kinda cool and definitely their best. This is but my $0.02, of course.

I like the Deadnight Warrior video!! :devil: I think I've read somewhere that the band had only a $1000 budget for this video. But I agree that their vids look rahter "low-budget" (as most heavy metal videos), except needled. And about that reaper costume, that's because the original reaper actor had a problem or something and couldn't do the video haha.

I hope to see some more of the other band memders in their new video!! I just have to say this :Smokin:
my bad... i didn mention that i cant use progs like kazaa and stuff cause i'm d/l from my college... and the thing is that they don allow downloads of mpg files either... thats why i asked if someone could zip it up and host it somewhere...
damn looked everywhere on the net man ... all broken links .. will any generous soul pls be kind enough to host it somewhere?? .. please.. :D