EVH 5153 50w and Earforce Two comparison clips with different cabs. LasseMago pack.


Nov 15, 2007
So I brought my school laptop to the rehearsal space along with some gear and I wanted to do something fun. So I reamped the 'famous' LasseMago DI pack at LOUD volumes.

  • Amps: EVH 5150 III 50w (red channel) and Earforce Two (channel B).
  • Cabs: Harley Benton G212 v30 and an old Mesa OS (4x12 v30).
  • Mic: Shure SM57, edge of cap, 1 inch from cloth.
  • Pedals: Maxon OD808 Tubscreamer and ISP Decimator for noise reduction.
  • Post-processing: None. Basic limiter on the master bus to get dat loudness and cut some spikes and GClip on the backing track because the snare popped up a bit much for my liking.
  • Interface: Line 6 Toneport UX1 with cable from analog out going into the amp (this is extremely ghetto I know.. sorry :()
  • Room: Terrible.

    Note: There is some small digital pops and clicks in the recordings, I suspect this being the low-specced school laptop that I used.

5153 HB:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1064562/Mixing/Reamp 5153 Earforce LOUD/5153 HB G212 V30.mp3

5153 Mesa OS:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1064562/Mixing/Reamp 5153 Earforce LOUD/5153 Mesa OS 4x12 V30.mp3

Earforce Two HB:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1064562/Mixing/Reamp 5153 Earforce LOUD/Earforce HB G212 V30.mp3

Earforce Two Mesa OS:
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/1064562/Mixing/Reamp 5153 Earforce LOUD/Earforce Mesa OS 4x12 V30.mp3

What's your favourite? :)
The Mesa cab seems a lot more mix-ready for these clips for sure, IMO.

I like both the Earforce and 5150III, but I definitely notice the 5150III has a tad more content in the mids/low-mids in this clip... and a tad smoother highs. I like that, personally.
The mesa cab sounds really good but the HB cab sounds MUCH better than i expected...
i should get one of those >.< they are dirt cheap

for this particular mix/song i would use the earforce
but either one of them would sound very good in the mix
All great tones Ensi! They all have their strong points.

What was the Resonance set to on the 5150? How loud is "LOUD", Volume setting on 5150?


EDIT: It is "their", not "there". :dopey:
All great tones Ensi! They all have there strong points.

What was the Resonance set to on the 5150? How loud is "LOUD", Volume setting on 5150?


Since he's probably sleeping, I'll answer for him.
I think the Resonance was on full actually, if not then it's not far from full, might be wrong on this one.
The volume was about at 11:30, fucking loud as hell haha
Could you post only the guitar tracks?
im very interested on how the HB cab takes processing
hey ensi,

where were the gain and poweramp controls set at?
sounds like alot of gain but it's great.

These are the settings we used:



Poweramp controls? Do you mean resonance?