EVH 50w / 6505+ Comparison


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria
Hey guys,

it's been a while since I contributed anything useful to this forum, and I've also not been that active over the last year, so i don't know how many of these threads allready existed or not. But it can never harm to have one more I suppose ;)

So one of my best friends FINALLY got his EVH50w, after having to wait for it like 4 months, cause they had problems with the delivery.

I invited him over to our rehearsal space, so we could do a little comparison between it and my 6505+ through my Mesa OS.

We spend a little bit too much time noodling around, switching between the heads, so it didn't leave as much time micing up as I wished, but the mic position was nice enough I think. But the EVH is just SO much fun to play, it's unreal. CH3 is so fucking übertight, couldn't believe it. Other channels rock as well, but 3 is were it's at for me.

Also amazing how low you can keep the volume and it still kicks ass, not used to that with my peavey :p
Compared to the 6505+ I feel like the EVH is a lot more "modern" voiced. It has a lot less mids, even with them pretty high and through the middy Oversize it's not nearly as middy as the peavey. Hard to get the same honky bite, but instead of that it has very smooth and juicy palm mutes. Also the highs and himids are different, not as strong as on the 6505+, and a lot smoother highs with less fizz. But in a mix they sound more similar than I thought they would.

Anyway, I currently don't have a reamp box, so I just went straight into the amps with my buddies freshly restrung EC401. No TS on both clips, cause I didn't really feel the need for on the evh, so I also left it for the peavey.

Dialing in the amps in the same way was a bit challanging, and I could have gotten closer, especially with the mids, but I was a bit in a hurry and it allready sounded close enough in the room. More difference in the mics then, but eh you get the idea. Dialing them in with same settings would have been totally pointless, cause the knobs on the evh work different. Really useable differnt actually, especially mids and presence, compared to the peavey.

So here are the clips, just 2 simple riffs recorded to the click, programmed drums and recorded bass afterwards. I also put together a little zip with the backingtrack and the guitars, so you can hear and try out for yourself.
Only HP/LP on the guits in those clips.
Both same mic position, Mesa OS with one 57. Fairly standard ;)

EVH 50w
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3961577/Mixes/EVH 50 W Test/Mago_EVH50W_raw.mp3

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3961577/Mixes/EVH 50 W Test/Mago_6505+_raw.mp3

Package with backing track and guitar files
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3961577/Mixes/EVH 50 W Test/EVH50W Testfiles.zip

My buddy also bought the matching EVH 1x12 Cab (celestion heritage speaker), but that one didnt turn out so well. really just throwing the mic in front of it, and we didnt have tools at hand to put down the evh logo, cause its exactly in the middle of the speaker. That clip is in the zip, but its not really a good representation for the cab. It sounds really nice in the room, but I think we may have had too much volume on this take.
Pretty similar indeed, you could probably get them identical with a bit of tweaking.

All the 5153 clips I've heard seem to have a bit of a "shhhhhh" sound going on up in the presence region,

I slightly prefer the 6505, but if I was buying I'd go for the 5153 as it's got a decent clean and crunch channel too whereas the 6505 is a bit of a one trick pony I feel.
pretty impressive

I still liked the overall punch in the 6505 clip ... the EVH felt a little more like a slap but it pretty hard one so if I found myself having to use it I sure as hell wouldn't complain
Cool comparison, thanks!

I think the EVH sounds more "finished/processed" if that makes sense? The 6505+ definitely sounds more raw. Both are really nice and at first I preferred the EVH, but after listening a few times the Peavey wins by a small margin (for me).
Maybe it's just me, but I much prefer the EVH in this clip.

The 6505+ kinda sounds weird - When I listen to the EVH clip, it sounds nice and wide, but the 6505+ clip it sounds more centered. Maybe something with the darker mids? I dunno - Do not like :p
Cool comparison, thanks!

I think the EVH sounds more "finished/processed" if that makes sense? The 6505+ definitely sounds more raw. Both are really nice and at first I preferred the EVH, but after listening a few times the Peavey wins by a small margin (for me).

no problem!

Yeah I totally get what you mean, but hearing it now I think there could have been more mids in the EVH, cause my impression was the same as yours. At first I thought evh cause it sounded more finshed, then I thought peavey, even it it needs some work to be "there"

Where did you have the mids dialed in on both amps? The 6505+ sounds more "grindy" I guess, sounds like it has more mids for sure.

then mids where at 12 o'clock on the EVH, and at about 8 o'clock on the peavey (somewhere between 1.5 and 2.5, cant remember anymore how much I scooped it in the end...sounds more like 2, 2.5 ish though).
Sounds pretty close to me. I agree on the grindy mids thing. It's funny to me that the 6505+ went into harmonic feedback at the end and the 5153 did not :p
^ yeah that's because of the how loud you gotta set the peavey to make it start to sound good, and in comparison the 50w EVH doesn't need to be as loud.
I was sitting next to the halfstack, so you see how relativly low you can keep the volume, and it still sounds "loud" in the mic with the evh.
It still would have been way too loud for playing in an apartment, but it wasnt nearly as loud as the peavey on 3.
no problem!

Yeah I totally get what you mean, but hearing it now I think there could have been more mids in the EVH, cause my impression was the same as yours. At first I thought evh cause it sounded more finshed, then I thought peavey, even it it needs some work to be "there"

Cool! What's your feeling on the tone if you would turn up the mids a little on the EVH? Probably closer to the 6505+ but still different, right?
I'll have to disappoint you about the DI's cause
Anyway, I currently don't have a reamp box, so I just went straight into the amps with my buddies freshly restrung EC401.

Cool! What's your feeling on the tone if you would turn up the mids a little on the EVH? Probably closer to the 6505+ but still different, right?

Yeah, the EVH just doesn't have that kind of grindy bite in the mids as the peavey does...it's less "BITEBITEBITE" and more "SMACKSMACKSMACK" if that makes any sense :lol:
And as I said, evh has the focus of the hi-mids set different. It also has less fizz in the top end, but it has more highs, and also sounds brighter because of the different himids. So I don't think that you'll get them to sound the same on their own, but to get them reaaaally close in a mix.

Whhoo, the EVH blends nice with 6505 clip! Sick tone... Mind sharing the DI´s?
well it's quad tracked if you "blend" those files, so no wonder it sounds a bit fatter ;)

I prefer the character and saturation of the EVH, but it also is a bit thinner sounding IMO; I wonder if that's just an inevitability of half the wattage?

no, I don't think it's a wattage thing honestly. It really doesn't feel like a thin amp when you play it...I think it's because the evh has so few mids, and I didn't crank the mid knob high enough as it seems...
Yeah, the EVH just doesn't have that kind of grindy bite in the mids as the peavey does...it's less "BITEBITEBITE" and more "SMACKSMACKSMACK" if that makes any sense :lol:
And as I said, evh has the focus of the hi-mids set different. It also has less fizz in the top end, but it has more highs, and also sounds brighter because of the different himids. So I don't think that you'll get them to sound the same on their own, but to get them reaaaally close in a mix.

Good stuff dude, thanks for sharing your impression!
I'd probably choose 6505, but it is just a matter of eqing, EVH sounds tits man, a bit harsh and thinner though. IMO a LowPass filter would improve the sound. 6505 seem to be more balanced, but not big difference. I'm thinking of getting the 50 Watt EVH for home. Anyway, the mix is awesome. I'm jelous, I fucking suck at getting good tones from real amps.