Evil Chucks


That Swede!
Jul 17, 2008
Stockholm. Sweden
I've read on murder archives that Alexi and Jaska Raatikainen etc was cover songs of Chuck Schuldiner.

Alexi appears as a singer in 2 songs, but Norther and Children Of Bodom did some part of the gig toghether and so on, whould be nice to see/hear.

This show was held March 1st 2002, Helsinki Finland.

I wonder if there is any recordings from these sessions at all? =)

Source: http://www.scythes-of-bodom.com/bodompedia/glossary.php?letter=e
"Alexi, who only appeared as singer, did vocals for the songs "Within The Mind" and "Defensive Personalities."

I'd really like to hear it for sure. There was a Death Tribute gig in my hometown just last winter.