Evil commie vampire liberals have taken over!

Mar 20, 2006
This used to be a nation led by decent republican sex criminals, but now it's under the control of the Bolshevik Al Qaeda-loving left.

They're going to take away all our guns and convert us all to Islam! They must be stopped before they destroy this country!

Most disappointing was the defeat of Rick Santorum, who consistently proved himself to be a sensible man with a strong sense of reality. How could people vote against a man who continued to claim that there were WMDs in Iraq for three years after we had learned that there weren't any?

And what about Katherine Harris? She hit the nail on the head when she said that if we didn't elect Christians, we'd be legislating sin.

Like the good God-fearing conservative Stephen Colbert said, reality has a well-known liberal bias.
This reads like a bad "B" movie....Evil Commie Vampire Liberals Have Taken Over! - Starring The Conservative Warrior (AKA Lord Galvatron) fighting the evil lesbo/homo vampire Nancy Pelosi, CW just wants to try and get a hold of her cock seeing that he was born without one and if he can get a handful of her balls he feels like he can lead his people. Along side him for this wild ride is Predaking, His long time "Secret" sexual companion who's only goal is to swallow the loads that Nancy blurts out. And to marry C.W. in a secret ceremony to be presided over by John Kerry.

With his partners ZeeZooZum, Liberal by day,whose incoherent ramblings are posted from the safety of his keyboard, And pedophile film teacher by night. And JKS, Whose unhealthy fixation on Billy Milano threatens the groups entire operation by sending him flowers and love notes he runs the risk of getting them found out.. They will go off on a magic journey that any straight person WILL NOT want to see:puke:

This film will be rated "ARE" For "Are you seriously this retarded"
And can be seen anytime at what used to be Lord Galvatron's Mom's house
Admission is taken in the rear...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

This used to be a nation led by decent republican sex criminals, but now it's under the control of the Bolshevik Al Qaeda-loving left.

They're going to take away all our guns and convert us all to Islam! They must be stopped before they destroy this country!

Most disappointing was the defeat of Rick Santorum, who consistently proved himself to be a sensible man with a strong sense of reality. How could people vote against a man who continued to claim that there were WMDs in Iraq for three years after we had learned that there weren't any?

And what about Katherine Harris? She hit the nail on the head when she said that if we didn't elect Christians, we'd be legislating sin.

Like the good God-fearing conservative Stephen Colbert said, reality has a well-known liberal bias.
This is what happens when politicians become politicians, and just bicker and get nothing done. Throw in a couple pedophiles, a "fight a war like democrats" agenda and the democrats look like Sir Lancelots.
"fight a war like democrats" agenda .

The simple fact is that guerilla insurgencies are historically difficult to beat, if not impossible.

The Soviets didn't pussy-foot around in Afghanistan, did they? They didn't pull any punches. And they still lost.
And let's not forget Vietnam. I'd hardly consider the use of Napalm as "humanitarian". And we lost.

Speaking of fighting "a war like democrats", anyone ever take notice that a Dem commissioned the Manhattan Project and that another Dem authorized the use of not one, but two, nuclear bombs?
The simple fact is that guerilla insurgencies are historically difficult to beat, if not impossible.

The Soviets didn't pussy-foot around in Afghanistan, did they? They didn't pull any punches. And they still lost.
And let's not forget Vietnam. I'd hardly consider the use of Napalm as "humanitarian". And we lost.

Speaking of fighting "a war like democrats", anyone ever take notice that a Dem commissioned the Manhattan Project and that another Dem authorized the use of not one, but two, nuclear bombs?

Depends on the insurency. Some people are more willing than others to live in utter ruin and inhumane conditions than others. The British broke the Iraqi insurgency of 1923 by lowering their living conditions to that of scorpions. But us! We've been too nice to these Saddam worshippers.

Hey T-Man! I wanna star in this movie as the righteous prophet who takes a bullet for the good guys, wheezing through blood-stained teeth, "Ya can't give up now, kid! Ya can't let me die fer nothin!" Youknow, something like Mickey's final scene in Rocky III.

You got it bro!! Maybe we can give you a cross between Mickey from Rocky III and the late, great Col. Trautman..

Your scene can go like this....GOD didn't make Conservative Warrior.....The Homos did!! And then you can either be all horrorified and repulsed or you can improvise your part from there...I leave it up to you..

Hey T-Man! I wanna star in this movie as the righteous prophet who takes a bullet for the good guys, wheezing through blood-stained teeth, "Ya can't give up now, kid! Ya can't let me die fer nothin!" Youknow, something like Mickey's final scene in Rocky III.

T_Man you take things too seriously. Must be because of your 2-incher. Don't worry, lots of latent homosexuals like yourself are packing Vienna mini-sausages down there. :headbang:

You're clearly just a liberal trying to make us good patriotic conservatives look like a bunch of maniacal retards. I'll be reporting your flaming homosexual ass to homeland security first thing in the morning and you'll be rotting in prison in no time. I hope you like being on the receiving end of slow, painful prison sodomy as much as Jurched does.

Good day sir!

This reads like a bad "B" movie....Evil Commie Vampire Liberals Have Taken Over! - Starring The Conservative Warrior (AKA Lord Galvatron) fighting the evil lesbo/homo vampire Nancy Pelosi, CW just wants to try and get a hold of her cock seeing that he was born without one and if he can get a handful of her balls he feels like he can lead his people. Along side him for this wild ride is Predaking, His long time "Secret" sexual companion who's only goal is to swallow the loads that Nancy blurts out. And to marry C.W. in a secret ceremony to be presided over by John Kerry.

With his partners ZeeZooZum, Liberal by day,whose incoherent ramblings are posted from the safety of his keyboard, And pedophile film teacher by night. And JKS, Whose unhealthy fixation on Billy Milano threatens the groups entire operation by sending him flowers and love notes he runs the risk of getting them found out.. They will go off on a magic journey that any straight person WILL NOT want to see:puke:

This film will be rated "ARE" For "Are you seriously this retarded"
And can be seen anytime at what used to be Lord Galvatron's Mom's house
Admission is taken in the rear...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Too seriously?? Dude what the hell are you talking about?
I just took a funny thread title and made a storyline out of it....I made you a STAR:kickass: I don't understand the hostility there C.W. I figured you'd be thanking me!!

Oh and my 2-incher is still 2 inches more than you:lol:

T_Man you take things too seriously. Must be because of your 2-incher.
Back when my wife and I were dating, she told me to give her 12 inches and make it hurt. So, I fucked her 3 times and punched her in the face.
With his partners ZeeZooZum, Liberal by day,whose incoherent ramblings are posted from the safety of his keyboard, And pedophile film teacher by night.:

I really feel for homosexuals like you. It must be tough to know who to vote for. I mean you have Dems who support civil unions, but you have Republicans who are actually gay and fuck young pages, and are supported by gay meth taking Christians. But it doesn't me suprise that, as a gay man, you throw your support behind your fellow gay republicans.
I really feel for homosexuals like you. It must be tough to know who to vote for. I mean you have Dems who support civil unions, but you have Republicans who are actually gay and fuck young pages, and are supported by gay meth taking Christians. But it doesn't me suprise that, as a gay man, you throw your support behind your fellow gay republicans.

Whoa, professor!

What d'you mean, you "feel up homosexuals?"

With behaviour like that, you're well on your way to becoming superintendent!

The simple fact is that guerilla insurgencies are historically difficult to beat, if not impossible.

The Soviets didn't pussy-foot around in Afghanistan, did they? They didn't pull any punches. And they still lost.
And let's not forget Vietnam. I'd hardly consider the use of Napalm as "humanitarian". And we lost.

Speaking of fighting "a war like democrats", anyone ever take notice that a Dem commissioned the Manhattan Project and that another Dem authorized the use of not one, but two, nuclear bombs?

Democrats are the ones responsible for us using feudalistic fighting tactics. Openly show ourselves, and never harm the civilians, because of that democrat who dropped the bomb on Japan. After killing so many civilians it turned them soft.

Militarily we won Vietnam, politically we lost which makes perfect sense since our politicians for the past 60 years have been fucking retards.

Militarily we win in Iraq, but our political ambitions will never see the light of day for long. Once Iraq stabilizes, and it will either with our help or after they tear themselves apart..it wont last long before it falls into another sandmonkey pit fight. The way to win Iraq is to be unrelentingly brutal in our military tactics. Do not take prisoners. Execute prisoners, publicly. Yeah, that works.

But wait..we are installing democracy right? Well..there is the dilemma. How can we be preaching democracy to these people with a military force? We cant, and won't. We should have just decimated the country and stole the oil fair and square, kill everyone..war over.

So what I say to do is, forget giving these arab, muslim scum of the earth a free government..just start smoking everyone that gets in our way..then pack up and leave. Good riddance.

Not to mention, the middle east has never been destined to be a free society. Look at society around the world, where is it most corrupt, full of poverty and radicalism, and shite? Africa? Check. South America? Check. Most of Asia? Check. The Middle East? Check It seems like most places that Europeans went out and touched long ago and left turned to complete ass when the "native/slave hybrids" were left to run it themselves. Ill give exceptions to Japan, China, Canada, America, Australia & India.

Oh, and Insurgencies are pretty damn hard to defeat without bringing a Stalin like brutality upon the populace.

Also..is there a single "black" country that isnt third world? Ive noticed most of them if not all are, then hovering in between are a ot of Asian and South/Central American countries. (kinda off topic)

I'm not for the republican way of doing things unless it relates to business; they can have their fanatic christian ass loving on little boys jesus freakiness.
Not hostility, it's just pity, Mr. T_bag. Please don't confuse the two.

However, seeing as how you like being insulted for being the commie vampire negro you are, I'll follow it up by asking how often do you queef when your boyfriend is riding you?


Too seriously?? Dude what the hell are you talking about?
I just took a funny thread title and made a storyline out of it....I made you a STAR:kickass: I don't understand the hostility there C.W. I figured you'd be thanking me!!

Oh and my 2-incher is still 2 inches more than you:lol:
Not hostility, it's just pity, Mr. T_bag. Please don't confuse the two.

However, seeing as how you like being insulted for being the commie vampire negro you are, I'll follow it up by asking how often do you queef when your boyfriend is riding you?


Negro Vampire? When did Vampires start really slumming it??
Isn't that an oxymoron?

Sure is, and bad grammar on my part! Geesh terrible, Stoled the oil.. thats not redneck..

Yeah what I was saying is a joke, you dont invade a country to instill freedom. That only works when the people ask for it. I can't remember any Iraqis asking. Its a waste of #1 Lives of people who could be better serving their own countries and #2 a Waste of money. I dont care about the Iraqis dying etc, my tax money > iraqi life. Cruel I guess but hey ive been over there, take out my share of them.
Sure is, and bad grammar on my part! Geesh terrible, Stoled the oil.. thats not redneck..

Yeah what I was saying is a joke, you dont invade a country to instill freedom. That only works when the people ask for it. I can't remember any Iraqis asking. Its a waste of #1 Lives of people who could be better serving their own countries and #2 a Waste of money. I dont care about the Iraqis dying etc, my tax money > iraqi life. Cruel I guess but hey ive been over there, take out my share of them.

I dunno, Evil. Kinda worked with the Third Reich. Of course, we had to kill a couple million of 'em. We've only done away with about 50,000 Iraqis so far.

But look what their "freedom" got us? Now I hear those Krauts want to sue our leadership for Abu Ghraib.

What the hell's their problem? What's their case? Lurid photos of Lynndie with a dogpile of hot naked Arabs?

Why haven't they sued Joseph Kony in Uganda for dismembering children? Gees, giving the Nazis freedom has fucked with their sensibility!
