EWIGKEIT new album Radio Ixtlan

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May 15, 2001
Monday 6th September finally sees the release of “Radio Ixtlan” Ewigkeit's debut album for Earache. The brain child of The Meads Of Asphodel co-founder, James Fogarty, has with “Radio Ixtlan’ produced an album that will appeal to fans across the board – from Black Metal to Killing Joke to Opeth to The Orb – this is such a diverse and challenging album, based around the mysterious Mexican Incas, combining tribal atmospherics and cosmic trippy psychedelia that would keep any Pink Floyd fan happy! Mr. Fogarty is not one to shy away from experimental and controversial projects – he is part of ex-KLF man Jimmy Caulty’s new project Blacksmoke. If you like your music challenging, thought provoking and different then this is definitely an album you should be checking out... http://www.earache.com/news_stories/ewigkeit.html#ixtlan
This is indeed one of my favorites of the year. I've heard a lot of bands try their hand at "space metal" recently, but only Ewigkeit really succeeds at it.
"Journey to Ixtlan" and "Live at Palenque 2012" are amazing! :OMG:

You can read my discussion with Mr. Fog at Wormwood Chronicles
James FOGarty said:
Hi, this is James Fogarty of Ewigkeit here.

You can see another on-line interview at ;


Also, you can keep up-dated with the day-to-day stuff at www.deathtomusic.com (ewigkeit website)

also, if you want to get hold of one of the limited edition "radio ixtlan" t-shirts, then check out ; www.ebay.co.uk


I'm getting one :grin: Dude you're CD is fucking awesome. I hope you make lots more just as good. YOu are my God. :worship:
Actually - I have decided (after some weeks of experimenting) that Ebay is a total f**king pain in the arse to sell stuff through.

I have therefore added a "merchandise" page to the ewigkeit website (www.deathtomusic.com)

Death to Ebay - viva el Fog...

np - "saving the day" - Ghostbusters soundtrack.
...gone now are the teenage days when I had a tape deck and used to make compilation tapes for freinds - BUT - Earache's new MP3 site Metal Tracks has rejuvenated my love for creating compilations ! (oh yess sir...) :hotjump: Unfortunately however, I can almost smell the cheap cider again :yuk:

Check out what I love about this vital metal label's past releases here ;


Here is my commentary for those tracks ;

I have picked these songs from Earache's long and historic back catalogue. In my opinion, these are the tracks that stand out amongst the others and are what I would call "single" tracks (if singles ever existed in Death Metal). Here they are in no particular order....

MASSACRE - "DAWN OF ETERNITY" - First the keys at the beggining grab you, but it's a classic death metal track from a band that were quite ahead of their time.
BOLT THROWER - "PROPHET OF HATRED" - From the much sought Cenotaph EP, this track was played/recorded detuned to "A" - ridiculously heavy...
CARCASS - "NO LOVE LOST" ..well, most of Heartwork actually. Saw them twice on that tour. Superb.
MORBID ANGEL - "BLESSED ARE THE SICK" - Classic Morbid Angel. This track was on that classic "promo" tape that was given away with a certain magazine in about 1991. This tape has now worn out through over play - it introduced me to all the bands on it.
CATHEDRAL - "RIDE" - A fucking classic. The video was cool too - Dorian totally changed my mind about flares.
ENTOMBED - "CRAWL" - Both the drumming and the lead guitar on this track are mind-blowing. Very catchy.
NAPALM DEATH - "YOU SUFFER" - Singularly both the most stupid, and yet, the most intelligent Death Metal song written ever. Once upon a time, I had the vinyl single of this - it ws about 2 lines on the vinyl...
AT THE GATES - "UNDER A SERPENT SUN" - This band were the first, imo, to come out with the "gothenburg" sound that made so many other band's careers. This track says it all.
MORBID ANGEL - "CHAPEL OF GHOULS" - Neil (live Ewigkeit guitarist) used to think the lyrics "...turning the cross towards hell..." were "...turnip, the host of hell..." I shit you not....
CATHEDRAL - "MIDNIGHT MOUNTAIN" - Groovin all night...
ENTOMBED - "OUT OF HAND" - Motorhead gone Death - this showed a good re-invention for Entombed. This track is one of my favourites (What ? A Death Metal band with a memorable chorus ??? ;-)) )
BOLT THROWER - "CENOTAPH" - The best track (imo) from the classic album "War Master". used to play that to death whilst playing "Rastan" on the Sega Master System. Very fitting.
CARCASS - "INCARNATE SOLVENT ABUSE" - Like with a lot of Death Metal tracks, the drums take the lead. This track showed Ken Owen at his best - here's one fan hoping for his full recovery so I can see them guys live again.
THE HAUNTED - "D.O.A" - Great track that rejuvenated my love for all things ridiculously heavy...
CULT OF LUNA - "LEAVE ME HERE" - One of the newest tracks I have grown to like - all at once, it is melodic, Katatonia-esque in it's atmosphere and crushingly slow and heavy...