Ex-HEAVENLY members form a new band


The Defender
Sep 11, 2002
Arles , France
Ex-HEAVENLY Members Form New Band, Seek Singer

Former HEAVENLY members Frédéric Leclercq (guitar), Pierre-Emmanuel Pélisson (bass) and Maxence Pilo (drums) have announced plans to form a new band. "We are currently looking for a singer, influenced by Dio, [John] Corabi, [David] Coverdale, [Graham] Bonnet, that kind of guys," the group write in a statement.

"You may ask yourself (and you're absolutely right), what kind of music [will we play]? Well, we will continue where the early 90's (this includes Heavy, Thrash, Hard Rock) stopped. Balls and guts, rock and thrash, aggression and melody, that kinda shit! The mixture sounds just great, we already built some nasty little music pieces... It's always hard to describe your own music, so lets say that it simply rocks!"

"If you (yes, YOU) are a singer living in Europe, and if you think you've got what it takes, feel free to contact us at screamer@suxeed.net

"We just can't wait to contaminate the world with our sonic seed!"
Heheh...like the sound of the musical direction. Sounds like it'll be worth keeping tabs on :)