Excellent Emperor news!

I am not an Emperor fan, but I know a lot of people on here are. As a result, I wouldn't rejoice in their misfortune. I've long suspected it, but this really confirms it: TDD is a truly horrible human being.
I am not an Emperor fan, but I know a lot of people on here are. As a result, I wouldn't rejoice in their misfortune. I've long suspected it, but this really confirms it: TDD is a truly horrible human being.

And Bamafan is an Internet coward who is only brave after two other bullies have had their say :lol:
And Bamafan is an Internet coward who is only brave after two other bullies have had their say :lol:

Actually, I'm neither a coward nor a bully. I'm a pretty easy going, laid back guy. But enough is enough. You're a cancer on this board. I finally decided I couldn't remain in silence. I don't know what neural pathways are screwed up in you, but you need professional help.
And Bamafan is an Internet coward who is only brave after two other bullies have had their say :lol:
You know, very rarely have I ever had anything negative to say about anyone or their taste in music on this board because everyone deserves their own opinion. But you just love to take a stick to the hornets nest. I guess small minds may think you're funny. When actually, you're an insecure peckerhead.
I won't miss you once you are banished....and I have a feeling that is coming up real fast!!
