Exciter & Anvil On The Classic Metal Show 8/2/08


The Man Behind The Mayhem
The Classic Metal Show
9p-3a EST Saturdays
9a-3p EST Mondays
6p-Midnight EST Wednesdays

This week on the show, Neeley and Chris take the focus of the show up north to feature two of the biggest Canadian thrash bands ever to come from there. First up, the band Anvil has a very long and stoic history as the Canadian innovators of thrash metal. Now, after 13 albums and their never dying spirit, famed filmmaker Sascha Gervasi (known for his work with Steven Spielberg) has decided to make a movie about the band. The movie is simply called ANVIL: THE STORY OF ANVIL. Unlike films like Spinal Tap, ANVIL: THE STORY OF ANVIL is a true heartfelt movie that outlines the band's undying spirit for over 30 years. To discuss the movie, Lipps Kudlow of Anvil will be stopping by to talk about the band's great history, the world of the underground metal scene, and what it's like to be featured in a movie about your career.

Also on the show this week, the guys will stay in Canada by featuring another old school thrash band that's still going strong today. Exciter has a brand new album called THRASH SPEED BURN which shows that there's still a lot of energy left in this classic band. We'll play a couple tracks from Exciter's latest, and longtime guitarist John Ricci will stop by to talk about the new album, the history of the band, and just why they never broke big when bands like Anthrax, Exodus and the like did.