Exciter - "Thrash Speed Burn"


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
As you may guess the album already leaked in the Internet (sorry Clammy). but it gave me the chance to evaluate it a priori.

Make no mistakes, this may be the first LP in 8 years and the band may have only John Ricci from the original line-up but trust me you won't miss anyone. Kenny Winter vocals are very similar to Dan Beehler and the rhythm section of Cohen and Charron had nothing to envy the one of Johnson/Beehler (as a matter of fact the sound is way more mature).

This is heavy metal at its best, totally old school but never dated. Most definitively a sure purchase for 2008. :headbang:

P.S. Besides we have a moral obligation to help Clammy :lol:
Song wise it's not bad - total old school Exciter. The new vocalist sounds great - reminds me of the singer from Dissenter. Probably somewhere between Beehler and the last singer (who sang on the best of).

Production wise, what happened here? Guitar tone is sludgy and the drums sound like they were recorded in a demo studio. :loco:

Overall though, nice job. The songs are great - and that's what counts! Stylistically very similar to Exciter's earlier discs.

As Wyv said, something to purchase when released.
It's out there already? Wow, that was quick, hehehe... ah well, hopefully, that will drum up some interest in buying the disc when it comes out.

I haven't actually heard the final mastered version yet as we sent the final mixes to Massacre, and they had it mastered over there.

Glad you guys like the tunes! Thanks for the positive comments!:kickass:

Voice overs? What voice overs?

I actually tried to find it last night, but had no luck.


The promos (or some of them) came with voiceovers (a guy talking in the middle of the song) to avoid piracy, this download is from one of those promos. I found it on kerrazy-torrents.net (like most of the material I review).

I took it for another spin at the job, definitively is a very good effort man, sure purchase for me.
The promos (or some of them) came with voiceovers (a guy talking in the middle of the song) to avoid piracy, this download is from one of those promos. I found it on kerrazy-torrents.net (like most of the material I review).

I took it for another spin at the job, definitively is a very good effort man, sure purchase for me.

Ah cool. I checked out that site, and I think I might know one of the admins: Exmortis. Says he used to be in Blackstar with John. Do you know his real name?

Ah cool. I checked out that site, and I think I might know one of the admins: Exmortis. Says he used to be in Blackstar with John. Do you know his real name?


No idea. I just go and leech albums :lol:, it saves me a lot of money to know what to buy or not in advance. You can't trust 30 sec samples and sometimes the song at MySpace is not the most representative of the album.

BTW I love the title track.
Dude! This is awesome, been waiting for new Exciter for a while.

Did any of those Jeff Waters remixed reissues ever come out? Did I miss that whole campaign?
Dude! This is awesome, been waiting for new Exciter for a while.

Did any of those Jeff Waters remixed reissues ever come out? Did I miss that whole campaign?

AFAIK, they did come out, but we had nothing to do with them, so I can't help you out. Sorry.
