Exit Sandman: Kirk Hammett on accordeon!


Blacksmith Apprentice
Sep 28, 2004
Hi all, I'm in the middle of writing this bogus musical about Geert Wilders, the Dutch anti-islam politician. One of the first songs is titled 'Exit Sandman', done with Steven Slate's Black Kit.

Oh, no guitars, only bass, keys and accordeon. Rythmguitars have been replaced by queefkazoo, played by the number two of his party, Fleur Agema.

Haha it's funny. Anyhow about Geert Wilders...on some points I really really agree with him....
I had to fear for my life allready twice in a neighbourhood in Rotterdam...why? This whole neighbourhood was only Marocco people living there! You could call this little Marocco. Got threathened to stay the fuck out of there, because I was a white boy.

Holland holds 2 of the biggest Mosks in Europe, which to me doesn't feel right. I understand the respect to all attitude....but they gotta give respect back. Yes I know, it might be about 30 of 40% of the people, or even less. But that bigger part should correct them...

This whole attitude fucks up our country. And while I would never vote for Geert Wilders, I understand his anti-islam statement.
It's not that I'm anti-islam, but seriously. Our small country holds over 450 Mosks....that's to much..

Let them first respect us. Learn to speak DUTCH(!) & intergrate on cultural level.

In Holland we have a heritage of Christians & Jews.
Sinagoges : 150
Mosks : +450
Churches : +650

In about 10 years we'll be forced to follow Islam....that's what's slowly happening...

So man, didn't want to hijack the thread...but anyhow...you did do a nice job on the song itself and the mix..I like the strings

That's so awesome.

Was the queef kazoo recorded as such?

As for Islam, it's no more a problem than any other dogmatic, militaristic religion. "Believe what I believe or die" seems a fairly common tenet for the majority of them.

Yes I'm an atheist but I'm not being an angry youtube commenting atheist here. I have no problem with organised religion as a support base for good values and community outreach, or for giving people that something they need to believe in to get through hard times and day to day life alike.

The problem I have is that on a global scale these religions become international institutions of control and conformity, and fables from thousands of years ago become absolute truths that fundamentalists and extremists will kill each other over. Not to mention the nasty people who exploit belief systems to whip otherwise peaceful people into pious fury and turn them against their fellow man.

I don't think it's fair to single out Islam here though, Catholicism has just as large a body count (if not larger) and penchant for writing off differing beliefs as heresy.

Sorry for derailment too, I just can't help but throw my hat in sometimes.
As for Islam, it's no more a problem than any other dogmatic, militaristic religion. "Believe what I believe or die" seems a fairly common tenet for the majority of them.

I'm barely religious, but I happen to come from a muslim family. I've read the holy book numerous times ever since childhood and never did I come across stuff that relates to 'kill the non-believers'. I wonder why no one challenges the beliefs of those 'bearded CNN celebrities'.
I'm barely religious, but I happen to come from a muslim family. I've read the holy book numerous times ever since childhood and never did I come across stuff that relates to 'kill the non-believers'. I wonder why no one challenges the beliefs of those 'bearded CNN celebrities'.

Because their sheep. scared little sheep who can't think on their own. People only have power because you let them:worship:
I'm barely religious, but I happen to come from a muslim family. I've read the holy book numerous times ever since childhood and never did I come across stuff that relates to 'kill the non-believers'. I wonder why no one challenges the beliefs of those 'bearded CNN celebrities'.

I don't watch TV, let alone something as awful as an American "news" channel so I don't know what you're talking about here.

Secondly, I wasn't talking about the Qur'an. Religion is more than the works on which they are based, rather the interpretations of those works and the application therein, however peaceful or violently fundamentalist they may be.

The new testament doesn't say anything about killing unbelievers either but you better believe that it's been done time and time again. I'm sure there are plenty of extremist Muslims too who believe that their way is the only way and non-believers are heretics who should be punished. These are the kinds of people who strap explosives to themselves and kill a bus load of completely innocent bystanders and consider themselves "holy". Hell, even Eastern spirituality (which retarded university students will have you believe otherwise) can be subject to some nutbar's bizarre misinterpretation, take Taoism and its concept of balance. Some guy convinces himself that it's ok to steal from someone because that person will then work harder to replace what was stolen.

Far fetched I know but it doesn't seem that far fetched when you consider that only a few hundred years ago in what is now the USA people were burned alive for being witches. Classic example of spirituality gone horribly wrong. So no I'm not singling Islam out nor am I doing so of any particular religion. Simply making the point that religion is all in the interpretation and the situation Funky Animal describes is not symptomatic of Islam as a whole, rather a small contingent that either apply the teachings of the Qua'ran in a really fucked up way or are just plain shitty people, like anybody can be.

None of this applies to Scientology however. I will make a point of decrying that babble at any given opportunity. If believing that thousands of years ago some guy gave his life so that you can get into heaven gets you by, awesome. If you believe that space ghosts live in our bodies and make us sad, and that Tom Cruise is a prophet, all the while forking over your hard earned money for spiritual snake oil, you are a mental defective of the highest order and I wish you only the very worst in all things.
Wilders is nothing but a normal reaction to the leftwinged dutch media and the government thats so afraid to critisize its "new" citizens who wont adapt to dutch community.

Wilders is not the problem.

(now I feel stupid, cause this forum should not be about politics)
Erm, ahem, yeah, this happens when 'Geert Wilders' appears in a thread. The queefkazoo could be recorded quite easily, I used this one:


Quite handy. When it gets lost, you just pull the cord, like a.. Ah well.

And Geert only plays accordeon in the musical, the whole story centers around Dion Graus (also a member of his party) who falls in love with Bedir Asiliksouk, an asylumseeker who's a victim of 'honour'-related violence.

And yes, those passages about slaying non-beleivers can be found in the quran, but the real twisted stuff one finds in the Hadith, and Mohammed didn't wrote that so it should be open for interpretation. But so far it isn't.

The day Geert gets blown to spareparts is the day the civil war starts in Europe. Better have a good laugh before we get there. :headbang:
electric harmonica, dunno. but I've seen people play harmonicas and use a microphone plugged into an guitar amp, they overdrive it and shape the sound.
I gotta check this out when I'm home!

I'm a fan of Wilders. He has the balls that a lot of other politicians don't have. I can't say I would vote for him, not sure, but I agree with his views on immigration.

I've heard of similar attacks in Rotterdam as well as Brussels and some cities in Sweden.

I'm barely religious, but I happen to come from a muslim family. I've read the holy book numerous times ever since childhood and never did I come across stuff that relates to 'kill the non-believers'. I wonder why no one challenges the beliefs of those 'bearded CNN celebrities'.
I'm not sure who you are talking about exactly but they are almost always referencing Sharia law, but the Qur'an verse that is related is verse 9:29:

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Anyway, please don't take that as a religious or cultural opinion from me. Obviously this is one sentence out of 6000+ verses.
I don't understand a word, but this sounds GREAT! Crazy as shit, and sonically flawless, magnificent! :headbang:

Thanks! ...the reason I got the mix right if ofcourse mr. Slate's drumlib, friend Ron on the vocals and No Guitars..

I always get lost while mixing Higainstuff.. ^%@#$