Exodus Concert 10/27!


Aug 29, 2005
Exodus's new lineup is amazing, they were playing in the shithole of hairy marys, but the place was packed and they put on one of the craziest shows Ihave ever seen. Gary Holt and Lee Altus definitely stole the show, but rob dukes and the Paul Bostaph as well as the bassist did a great job too. They even played Fabulous Disaster in the encore and played for about an hour and 45 minutes. Kickass show! If you get a chance to see them dont think twice!:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: My neck hurt for three days after the show cause it is nonstop headbanging!
Youll love em, they are just as badass as ever live! My only problem was they ignored a lot of the fabulous disaster songs, especially toxic waltz! But at least they did play fabulous disaster and a bunch of bonded by blood stuff. Make sure you are listened up on the new cd too, will make it a lot more fun cause they play the whole thing!