Exodus DVD


Oct 14, 2003
WOW! I had not heard about the DVD until I read this on Blabbermouth....

EXODUS Drummer Talks About Upcoming DVD, Thrash Metal Revival - Feb. 3, 2004

EXODUS drummer Tom Hunting recently spoke to Denmark's Metal Reference about the group's upcoming DVD, tentatively due before the end of the year.

"It's gonna contain everything," he said. "It's gonna be a full chronological history of the band. You know from the early days and some live footage and some footage from the live album recording and all the way up to the sessions for Tempo of the Damned. There is a lot of information to sit through we're getting… People are coming out from nowhere with footage of this band from just years ago, so we got a lot of work to do.

Asked about the revival of Bay Area thrash metal, with new albums from DEATH ANGEL, VIO-LENCE and possibly HEATHEN on the way, Hunting said, "I think if it's gonna come back and do a strong comeback, it can never get a better opportunity than now. I mean, we think it's great that all the bands from home are reforming. I think a lot of that was because of the Chuck Billy benefit and how much fun everybody had and how good it felt. We think it's great, I mean, we're label mates with DEATH ANGEL. DEATH ANGEL are in the studio right now — maybe we can possibly hook up and do some touring some time later since we're on the same label. And we're supportive of it. We love it."
After years of suffering all the nu metal shit finally thrash is making a comeback. The new stuff from Death Angel, Vio-Lence and Heathen should be awesome. Plus there are new albums by Testament, Megadeth and Slayer on their way plus an Anthrax live album and DVD. I have yet to get my copy of Exodus' new record yet. My local record shop can't get it until Monday. Is it any good?
ScaryGuy said:
I have yet to get my copy of Exodus' new record yet. My local record shop can't get it until Monday. Is it any good?


Post back here and let us know how you liked. :)
I know there is a lot of thrash activity, so why doesn't anybody ever mention abattoir?

new abattoir album!!!!!!!!!

does anyone care, does anyone know of them!!!!! old school thrash anyone??!!
The saYer said:
I know there is a lot of thrash activity, so why doesn't anybody ever mention abattoir?

new abattoir album!!!!!!!!!

does anyone care, does anyone know of them!!!!! old school thrash anyone??!!

Is there a new Abattoir cd out??!!! I heard they were back together. I liked the 2 albums from the 80's.
baldyboy said:
wasnt that flynn's old band?wouldnt be the same without him surely?

Yep. Robbs old band.
No it wasn't the same when he split on them, and it won't ever be
the same without him. But Troy is not a bad replacement.
The band still has Demmel, and that's a good thing.
Psychonaut said:
Vio-lence should be cool but it will be tough to top Eternal Nightmare. I think Sean Killian did vocals on that one and they should bring him back.

Bring him back? What? Sean Killian never left the band.
Sean is singing for them. After all these years he is still a great fucking
singer. He hasnt lost his touch.
Hey, let me interrupt you guys and throw in a question. What was that about the Vio-lence re-releases? I'd really be interested in their stuff. The problem is the prices. In fact I was hot on the first two albums at eBay the other day but I pulled out when they hit the 40 Euros mark.
The new Exodus cd "Tempo Of The Damned" will be released in America on March 9, 2004. I cannot wait. A friend of mine has an advanced copy and played me some and it just slays.