EXODUS gets serious

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
F-BOMB, frontman & band leader, Steve Souza has put his side project on hold for an indefinite time. Meantime, guitar player
Glen Avelais, whom told me last night, confirmed the break, & not worried about it, he states he has alot other projects to keep himself busy.
EXODUS, frontman, Steve Souza, says that his decision to self
F-BOMB, was due to the newly return to EXODUS, he wants to give EXODUS the same 100%, that they have agreed to give to him. All of EXODUS starts band practice, 5 nights a week, in their Oakland studio, starting tomarrow. All attention at practoice, will concentrate on new material for the bands highly antipcipated
new album. Andy Sneap & Exodus are talking about future plans
to record & produce this new effort.
Yeah, it should be interesting. I know they were in the studio writing new material before Paul passed. I assume the plans are still on. They've also been playing some shows. They played with Dragonlord somewhere in Sacramento last Friday.
Well, I know Phil Demmel will be on tour with Machine Head sometime this summer, but don't know the status of the Metalfest...

I wish that tour would stop by, it would be nice to see Demmel and Flynn play together again.

And you know they'll bust out a Vio-Lence tune or two along the way.

Here's hopes Rob will come back to Vio-Lence... Very unlikely, I know...
Originally posted by xenophobe
Yeah, it should be interesting. I know they were in the studio writing new material before Paul passed. I assume the plans are still on. They've also been playing some shows. They played with Dragonlord somewhere in Sacramento last Friday.

I think they are playing Wacken this year...
Yes, Exodus, Vio-Lence and Dragonlord are all playing Wacken this year.

I wish I lived in Europe, or I'd be there...

Hey maybe I can see if I can get on as a roadie... :lol: